
individualized instruction

22 Jun, 2022

3 Scientifically Proven Developmental Benefits of One-on-One Instruction

2022-06-22T08:01:24-05:00Wednesday, June 22, 2022|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Most parents want what's best for their children, and many go above and beyond to provide them with opportunities to excel. One such opportunity is one-on-one instruction, which has been shown to have developmental benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore the scientific evidence for the benefits of one-on-one instruction. The American Psychological Association The [...]

7 May, 2022

Does Individualized Instruction Hamper Social Development?

2022-05-09T07:52:14-05:00Saturday, May 7, 2022|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Educators face a difficult task in meeting the diverse requirements of children. It does require more planning and monitoring of student progress, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Individualized instruction helps children become active and effective learners, preparing them for a lifetime of learning in an ever-changing world. With children's varying aptitudes, personalized education [...]

10 Feb, 2022

Individualized Instruction: Metacognitive Skills Improve Learning and Studying Skills

2022-02-10T16:19:36-06:00Thursday, February 10, 2022|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

If you're reading this post, you're likely aware of the concept of individualized instruction. Often, we think about this concept in terms of subject matter within a particular discipline. For example, a student in third grade may be working on fifth-grade level science skills but second-grade level math skills. Individualized instruction and a personalized learning [...]

20 Oct, 2017

Why Private School is Ideal for Dedicated Athletes and Artists

2017-10-20T14:14:54-05:00Friday, October 20, 2017|Education Info, Private School, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

If you have an incredibly dedicated young athlete or artist in your home, you may find yourself worrying about their academic learning. After all, while sports and the arts are both wonderful and important parts of our culture, they are not all a person needs to succeed in life. Unfortunately for those children who do [...]

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