
middle school tips

13 Dec, 2024

Transitioning to Middle School: Common Problems

2024-12-10T08:54:34-06:00Friday, December 13, 2024|Transition Between Schools, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Transitioning to middle school is one of the hardest most students will face. Moving into elementary school is like transitioning to a whole new world. Unfortunately, many parents don't understand what their students will be facing as they move into those critical middle school years. Do you know how to get your child ready [...]

2 Mar, 2020

Build Confidence in Your Middle School Students

2020-05-29T15:33:40-05:00Monday, March 2, 2020|Learning Environment, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Middle school is a difficult period of growth and change for students. Not only are they experiencing changes in their body, but expectations in school are also changing. Students have recently grown out of their elementary school routines and are experiencing more responsibility. With more difficult content, kids may begin to struggle with their academic [...]

23 Sep, 2019

The Importance of Developing Study Skills in Middle School

2019-09-23T10:11:41-05:00Monday, September 23, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

During the middle school years, your child may feel able to coast by without developing good study skills. After all, they understand the material; why put any more effort into it? As long as your child's grades look good, you might not worry too much about study skills, either. Unfortunately, if your child waits until [...]

4 May, 2019

Middle School Skills: The Foundation for High School Success

2019-05-04T07:35:22-05:00Saturday, May 4, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

For many parents, high school gets more focus than any other element of their child's schooling. High school becomes part of a student's permanent academic record. Poor grades or other problems in high school can prevent students from getting the scholarships they need, or even prevent them from getting into the college they most want [...]

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