
New school year

9 Aug, 2022

5 Key Tips for Your Child to Be Successful This School Year

2022-08-10T11:13:49-05:00Tuesday, August 9, 2022|Education Info, Learning Strategies|

The start of a new school year can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing for children. If you want to help your child have a successful school year, there are a few things you can do. In this blog post, we'll share five tips to help your child be successful this school year. Have a Positive [...]

7 Oct, 2019

What to Do if Your Child’s First Report Card Grades are Low

2019-10-04T15:05:25-05:00Monday, October 7, 2019|Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

First Report Card As a parent, the first report card is an important moment. This is your first glimpse into how your child is doing at school academically, and possibly on a personal level as well. For some families, unfortunately, this is also a time of dismay. Your child's first report card may show that [...]

12 Aug, 2017

Necessary Steps to Get Your Teen Ready for School

2017-08-12T12:00:12-05:00Saturday, August 12, 2017|Education Info, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

Aw, the glorious days of summer. Staying up late and sleeping in until noon. A teenagers dream. But going back to school does not have to be a nightmare. By easing your teen back into a routine with some planning and organization, they can feel better prepared for the coming school year. And a prepared student is [...]

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