Published March 5, 2020
(Updated April 9, 2020)
Due to the Coronavirus, and subsequent orders by government officials, The Tenney School began using Distance Learning (Tenney School Live) on March 23, 2020. Transition to online learning was smooth and are hearing the online classes have been productive. The details of our distance learning plan are on our Tenney Distance Learning Page. We trained staff and students on this plan prior to Spring Break. The details of the plan are contained in the Distance Learning March 23 letter from our principal. As you are likely aware, the President released Guidelines on March 16th to limit the spread of COVID-19. The Governor of Texas issued an Executive Order on March 19th closing all schools (Order No. 4). The Harris County Judge issued a Stay Home Work Safe Order March 24th. These orders have all been extended through April 2020.
On the sidebar of the page are some other useful links to resources we will be using to monitor and assess the threat. By government order, schools will remain closed as part of the plan to “socially distance” to reduce the spread of the virus. You may find the information contained in the links to be helpful.
Below are some of the steps we will be taking now to minimize the risk to our families:
- Begin Tenney Distance Learning Plan to start March 23, 2020
- Keep an eye on stress and anxiety. The CDC has guidelines to help.
- After some final visits to pick up materials, staff are no longer coming to the facility. Our tenant is also not present. While there will be some facility activity to support Tenney School Live, the facility is essentially shut down for the time being.
- It has been more than 14 days since we left the facility for Spring Break and no COVID-19 cases have been reported to us from our community or the Health Department. This would indicate The Tenney School was not a place were the virus was present or spread.
- Signs are posted at the facility to not allow facility access for individuals with:
- Fever above 100.4
- Signs or symptoms of respiratory infection, such as a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and low-grade fever
- Contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19, under investigation for COVID-19, or is ill with a respiratory illness
- Contact within 14 days of someone traveling from a country the CDC has designated as high risk
- We found the tips and information in this article quite helpful at thinking through how to help our kids in this time.
- We would like to remind everyone that the best defense against infection is proper hygiene. Regular hand-washing and minimizing hand contact with eyes, nose, and mouth can minimize likelihood of contracting the virus.
- We will make decisions about our scheduled group events as the COVID-19 spread and impact to our community are better known:
- The spring field trip. This will be transitioned to a virtual field trip. Students/Parents will be emailed information.
- Standardized Testing. The school days allocated for Standardized Testing will now be normal Tenney School Live school days.
- Awards/Music Performance
- Final Exams
- Graduation Ceremony
- Interim/Summer Sessions. We plan to proceed as scheduled with both the Interim & Summer Sessions. These can be conducted on Tenney School Live if we are still unable to conduct classes at the facility.
Useful Links
COVID-19 Crisis Information
- Distance Learning March 23
- President’s Coronavirus Guidelines
- Texas Governor Executive Order
- Harris County Stay Home Work Safe Order
- Harris County Public Health
- Houston Health Department
- CDC Interim Workplace Guidelines
- CDC Manage Stress & Anxiety
- CDC Reported Symptoms
- CDC Guidelines for Schools
- CDC Prevention & Treatment
- CDC List of High Risk Countries
- CDC Update