Our individualized learning setup at the Tenney School allows us to offer more instruction in a shorter amount of time. Since students receive dedicated 1:1 teaching for all core subjects, they don’t need to bother spending time on topics that aren’t on their instructional level. Our general school hours run from 9 am – 2 pm, with extra hours available after school for tutoring or lessons. A shorter school day comes with many benefits to students and parents alike. Specific benefits might differ depending on a family’s needs, but these top 10 benefits are appreciated by many of our Tenney families:
Extra Time for Other Interests
Sometimes, a student’s outside interests might expand into their future career. With enough time to explore these outside interests, students can probe the subject matter that appeals to them, gaining a stronger foothold on what they’d like to do after graduation.
Extra Time for More Lessons
Maybe a student requires extra remediation in a subject. Or maybe a student is trying to catch up from an unexpected period of absence from learning. The built-in extra time at the end of the school day takes away the pressure of trying to squeeze it all in.
Less Time Wasted With Classroom Management
In traditional schools with heavy teacher-to-student ratios, a great deal of time is wasted throughout the school day as teachers try to get students on task. A shorter school day means that students are less likely to “zone out” with overwhelm, as they won’t feel as though time is dragging on.
More Sleep at Both Ends of the Day
Students appreciate being able to “sleep in,” and parents appreciate not having to rush them out the door. A well-rested student is ready to learn, with improved executive functioning, cognitive functioning, and emotional regulation.
Improved Family Dynamics and Reduced Stress
Waking up early can cause daily arguments in some households. A later start time means that family relationships can improve, with an improved mood for the entire family.
Alignment With Circadian Rhythms
Melatonin releases later in the day during the teenage years. This means that it takes a while for teens to get sleepy at night. Yet they still need at least 8 hours of sleep, at the least (some teens require closer to 10 hours). A later start time in the school day allows teens to work with their natural body clocks, rather than against them.
Time to Travel to Other Locations
Some students split their time between multiple households. Some teens travel often for competitive sports or other outside activities. An early afternoon end to the day means that students don’t have to feel harried around dinnertime.
Less Time Spent Looking at the Clock
Nothing quite drags down on a student’s incentive to learn than making the school day too long. A shorter school day means that students aren’t counting down the minutes until the end of class.
More Time to Appreciate Learning
When students aren’t dreading a long day, they have more time to appreciate the subject material. Students can focus more deeply on their work in shorter, targeted amounts of time.
Enough Time for Homework
When a too-long school day combines with a lot of extracurriculars, some students might be still working on their homework into the night. A short school day allows students to pursue extra activities, while still granting them enough time to complete their homework.
Learn More About
Our students at the Tenney School are well-rested and energized, ready to tackle a day of learning. Both students and parents find our programs to be refreshing and supportive. Contact us for more information about our individualized approach.