
Monthly Archives: May 2021

27 May, 2021

Congratulations Tenney Class of 2021!

2021-05-28T15:35:19-05:00Thursday, May 27, 2021|Education Info, Events, News, Private School|

We would like to congratulate The Tenney School class of 2021! You have persevered through the most trying senior year in memory, and done so with enthusiasm and espirit de corp.  Here are the schools which will be grateful to have you next year: Baylor University (3) Colorado State University (2) Houston Baptist University Incarnate [...]

26 May, 2021

Considering Private School Types: Which One Is Best for Your Child?

2021-05-28T15:36:12-05:00Wednesday, May 26, 2021|Education Info, Private School|

Elementary Public Schools in the United States started as a one-room schoolhouse and evolved into overcrowded classrooms. Only the wealthiest families could afford to send their children to private schools, which for the most part consisted of boarding schools. Public schools now offer more choices in the way of the Charter and Magnet options. But, today's [...]

10 May, 2021

What’s Your Plan to Avoid the Summer Slide?

2021-05-10T07:06:43-05:00Monday, May 10, 2021|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Every year, many students suffer from the "summer slide", or learning loss over the summer months, when they aren't in school and aren't engaging in the activities they need to help keep their minds sharp. On average, students lose about a month's worth of school year learning over the course of the summer, and they [...]

7 May, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 10: International Students…Coming to America

2021-05-07T08:53:46-05:00Friday, May 7, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Summer Strategies, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 10 is about international students. Prior to the pandemic, there were record-breaking numbers of international students in America. Many of these students were college students, but an increasing number of students are coming to America for high school. This [...]

3 May, 2021

Teenagers and Empathy: Why Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom Is Important

2021-05-03T09:56:53-05:00Monday, May 3, 2021|Education Info, Student Health, Teachers|

Teenagers and Empathy: Why Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom Is Important Ah, the smartphone. Great for many things — entertainment, hand-eye coordination, etc. — yet thoroughly detrimental to social behavior and physical interactions. With all this modern technology, our teenagers can pick a fight and start conflict with a touch of the button. There's [...]

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