
Monthly Archives: June 2018

28 Jun, 2018

Private Schools – Could One Be Right For Your Child?

2018-06-28T09:26:34-05:00Thursday, June 28, 2018|Education Info, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

When it comes to private schools, there are more than a few questions that parents may ask themselves before enrolling their children. More and more parents are choosing to enroll their little ones in private schools for a variety of reasons. The following is a closer examination of the questions that must be answered and [...]

18 Jun, 2018

Customized Instruction: A Recipe for Success

2018-06-18T09:56:26-05:00Monday, June 18, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Customized Instruction The right education will prove to be a valuable asset to every child who receives one. However, many children pass through school to graduation without actually learning what they are supposed to learn. The scandal that occurred in the Atlanta school district where several educators manipulated student scores so that the students would be eligible [...]

15 Jun, 2018

4 Ways Small Private Schools Better Prepare Students for College

2018-06-15T16:28:10-05:00Friday, June 15, 2018|Education Info, Private School|

With summer upon us, many students will be making the transition from junior high to high school. Not only is this a milestone in a student's educational career, but it also provides parents with another opportunity to consider the future of their child's education and whether it may be time to transfer them to a [...]

4 Jun, 2018

3 Ways Customized Instruction Improves Learning for Children

2018-06-04T15:30:28-05:00Monday, June 4, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Most parents would agree that customized instruction for students is more effective than the broad curriculum used in the classroom by large schools, yet they might still wonder: how much of a difference will it really make? Caring parents understand how choosing the education path for their children is a big responsibility, as it's one [...]

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