
Customized Curriculum

9 Sep, 2024

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Change Schools — Now What?

2024-09-10T08:11:16-05:00Monday, September 9, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Transition Between Schools|

For the average parent, the best thing that could ever happen to them is moving into a place with a school nearby. You've just moved, and everything seemed fine until your child refused to go. They want to retain their current school, yet it may not be practical. What do you do? How do [...]

6 Sep, 2024

What You Need to Know About STAAR Testing in 2024

2024-09-10T08:11:44-05:00Friday, September 6, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents|

STAAR testing season is upon us here in Texas and we've got all the information to make sure you're prepared for the upcoming season of STAAR! What is STAAR Testing? The State of Texas Assessment of Academic readiness or known as STAAR is a form of standardized testing that the state of Texas has [...]

19 Aug, 2024

The Importance of a Late Morning Start: Why Early Mornings Are Bad for Learners

2024-08-20T08:51:09-05:00Monday, August 19, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Schools, across the nation, often start at incredibly early hours. It's not uncommon for elementary schools to start as early as 7:15 or 7:30 in the morning. Middle and high schools may start as early as 8:00. Those hours are far from ideal for most students. In fact, an early-morning start term can be [...]

2 Aug, 2024

Back to School Tips for Parents of Middle and High Schoolers

2024-08-16T10:48:29-05:00Friday, August 2, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

Even if they're hesitant to admit it, parents and students alike are excited for back-to-school time. Although everyone will surely miss the summer weather and fun, there are so many things to look forward to, with the new year beginning. To make the transition a little bit easier for your student, here are some [...]

15 Jul, 2024

Differentiation: Why Customized Instruction Is Necessary

2024-07-15T09:28:49-05:00Monday, July 15, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

It's no secret that children learn at different speeds and in different ways. Take a peek into any classroom and you'll see some students gravitating to technology. Others prefer to talk through processes. Still, others draw, write, or puzzle their way through the challenges they are presented with. Some students catch on quickly and are [...]

10 Jun, 2024

What Qualifies a Child for the Gifted and Talented Program?

2024-06-10T09:02:30-05:00Monday, June 10, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

While most parents believe their child is gifted at something, most people don’t know if or how their child can be accepted into a Gifted and Talented (GT) program. Federal criteria for GT programs is somewhat fuzzy, making the issue even more confusing. Let’s take a closer look at the Gifted and Talented program [...]

5 Dec, 2023

Graduating Early From High School | 5 Benefits and Why

2023-12-05T08:26:48-06:00Tuesday, December 5, 2023|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Parents, Private School|

Graduating early from high school can be an exciting prospect for many students. Chances are you're already considering it if you're coming across this article. That's why I want to give you 5 benefits for graduating early from high school to see if it's right for you! 1. Taking a Gap Year Many high [...]

21 Nov, 2023

Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in School?

2023-11-14T14:08:23-06:00Tuesday, November 21, 2023|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment|

Should cell phones be allowed in school? As cell phones have developed, the role of them in the classroom have become increasingly blurred. Many teachers stand firmly by the fact that they disrupt the classroom and should be banned. Other teachers rely on them as a way to further engagement in the class. Let's discuss [...]

22 Jun, 2023

Understanding the Differences Between Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses

2023-06-22T09:12:19-05:00Thursday, June 22, 2023|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Private School|

Before your high school student chooses which classes to take, it's important to understand the differences between Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes. Although each course is designed to be rigorous and college-level, there are a few significant differences between the two formats. Here's an introduction to college-level courses at The Tenney School: Why Take [...]

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