
Monthly Archives: January 2020

27 Jan, 2020

The Benefits of Small Class Sizes for Students

2020-01-25T08:44:38-06:00Monday, January 27, 2020|Learning Environment, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

We've all heard that small class sizes are good for the education of a child (or even an adult, if you're considering college students). When you look at the brochures for many private schools and colleges, small class size is always one of the things that they mention as one of their advantages over other [...]

20 Jan, 2020

Why Teacher-Talk Stifles Student Learning

2020-01-21T08:16:36-06:00Monday, January 20, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Some teachers love to talk! It's great to have an enthusiastic, passionate teacher, but in the classroom, there needs to be a balance between talking and listening. Too much teacher-talk can actually harm a student's learning experience. Learn about the ways more talk leads to less learning. 1. Shortcuts Student Thinking When a teacher asks [...]

14 Jan, 2020

What Differentiated Instruction Means in the Classroom

2020-01-14T07:22:46-06:00Tuesday, January 14, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

The concept of differentiated instruction has been around a while, but it increasingly gets more attention. At The Tenney School, we take differentiated instruction to its foundation by creating an environment that places one student with one teacher. Learn more about what it means to have differentiated instruction in the classroom. Differentiated Instruction Defined Some [...]

8 Jan, 2020

How to Talk to Your Child About Being Gifted & Talented

2020-01-08T13:53:07-06:00Wednesday, January 8, 2020|Education Info, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

There is a difference between identifying a gifted & talent child and tracking them into a GT program. One of the most important steps is to talk to your child about what it means to be gifted & talented and how that will impact their life. As a parent, you are probably both proud and [...]

3 Jan, 2020

5 Ways Teachers Can Build Confidence In Middle School Students

2020-01-08T13:51:36-06:00Friday, January 3, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Confidence In Middle School Middle school students are often underestimated by both parents and teachers. It is a time of life that can be overlooked, overshadowed by the formative years in elementary school and the determining years of high school. But we at The Tenney School know that this time of life is extremely important [...]

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