
Monthly Archives: February 2018

21 Feb, 2018

Why Private Schools are Worth the Cost

2019-10-09T13:11:12-05:00Wednesday, February 21, 2018|Education Info, Learning Environment, Private School, Teachers|

Most parents want the best for their children. They want them to have a high-quality education so that they can succeed in life and be the best that they can be. However, as the cost of college rises, most struggle with whether or not they should send their children to private school too. Many wonder [...]

16 Feb, 2018

Facing Student Adversity: Choosing Survival vs Victimization

2018-02-14T14:24:20-06:00Friday, February 16, 2018|Learning Environment, Parents, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Growing pains. Students experience a wide variety of "pains" during their formative years at school. While some of them are physical pains, many of them arise from mental and emotional challenges. These types of adversities can range from personal scholastic struggles to underserved, negative attention. No matter the cause, each student will face trials of [...]

13 Feb, 2018

VLOG #16: Houston Literacy Crisis

2018-02-13T21:40:00-06:00Tuesday, February 13, 2018|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

In today's VLOG we discuss the literacy crisis facing Houston Students. As special guest, Jacque Daughtry from Making It Better will be joining us to fully address this topic. We will go through some of the features and statistics of our literacy problem and the ties to poverty. We will also discuss what can be [...]

8 Feb, 2018

Student Devices: Do They Really Help?

2018-02-08T20:16:36-06:00Thursday, February 8, 2018|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

As technology use has grown across industries, it has become a foregone conclusion in many academic circles that technology access is fundamental to building "students of the future" who are prepared for the demands of technology in their future lives. Lower access to technology has simultaneously left low-income students stuck in a lower-performing cycle, unable [...]

7 Feb, 2018

VLOG #15: Texas Immunizations

2018-02-12T18:37:13-06:00Wednesday, February 7, 2018|Education Info, Student Health|

In this VLOG we discuss the immunizations required in the state of Texas.  We will go over the basic vaccine requirements and when they are required. https://youtu.be/iDDH8CoVRDg?list=PLWrEKET0tyHJ_sNqgIhcNc97WCh3Ts-eM

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