
Monthly Archives: September 2017

29 Sep, 2017

Are American Schools Placing Too Much Emphasis on School Sports?

2020-12-12T00:58:33-06:00Friday, September 29, 2017|Learning Environment, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Amanda Ripley is an investigative journalist and author of “The Smartest Kids in the World,” her attempt to understand why so many other nations do a better job of educating their children than America does. One of the reasons, she concludes, is the inordinate emphasis on sports and athletics in America’s schools. To drive home [...]

28 Sep, 2017

VLOG #11: How Long Should Class Be?

2017-09-28T10:50:07-05:00Thursday, September 28, 2017|Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

Schools operate with many different class lengths. Question is, what is the best?  In this VLOG we look into research which might help us determine how long a class period should be.  We discuss student attention over time, attention lapses, and retention of content over time. https://youtu.be/i3aC7lZWPiM?list=PLWrEKET0tyHJ_sNqgIhcNc97WCh3Ts-eM

26 Sep, 2017

6 Challenges that International Students Must Overcome

2021-03-30T08:09:58-05:00Tuesday, September 26, 2017|Education Info, International students, Tenney Subscribers|

Unless you've personally studied abroad before, it's difficult to know what exactly an international student has to go through. In this blog, we'll go over six of the most difficult challenges that incoming students from abroad have to overcome: The American teacher-student relationship We'll start here because it's the source [...]

22 Sep, 2017

Does Your Child’s School Know How They Are Struggling After Harvey?

2017-09-22T12:47:35-05:00Friday, September 22, 2017|Education Info, Private School, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Hurricane Harvey will have a lasting effect on the city of Houston and more importantly, its residents. The storm was particularly traumatic for children to witness and it's not something they'll never forget. The best schools can do is make sure their students are getting the help they need so they can process this disaster. But unfortunately, [...]

16 Sep, 2017

Gifted and Talented vs Advanced Placement: Know the Difference to Prevent GT Burnout

2021-01-29T10:19:03-06:00Saturday, September 16, 2017|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

There are many schools of thought among parents, teachers, and administrations as to what to do with children identified as “Gifted and Talented”. What this means and how to provide for the greater potential of these children is constantly debated. Should they be accelerated to college prep? Separated from the other children? Given more creative [...]

4 Sep, 2017

Tenney School Reopening

2017-09-04T11:47:13-05:00Monday, September 4, 2017|Events, News, Parents|

For students that can make it, The Tenney School will reopen on Tuesday September 5th.  We hope that getting back to school will provide our students and staff a sense of normalcy following the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Harvey.  Please pre-plan your route to school.  Traffic will likely be unusual as many of the primary [...]

4 Sep, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath: Ways to Encourage the Children, as Families Struggle

2017-09-04T11:26:34-05:00Monday, September 4, 2017|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

It only took a few hours for Hurricane Harvey to dismantle the city of Houston last week. Unfortunately, they will be dealing with the aftermath of this monster storm for years to come. According to Business Insider, approximately 230,000 children are delayed from returning to the class room this week. Is it any wonder, when you consider the scope [...]

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