
Monthly Archives: March 2021

24 Mar, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 7: It’s Not Cool to Be Tardy

2024-05-28T11:50:44-05:00Wednesday, March 24, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 7 covers the impact of student tardies on the student, teacher, and overall operaion of the school. The video covers both the types of tardies: tardy to school & tardy to class. Click Here for the Video. This [...]

23 Mar, 2021

Dispelling 5 Myths About the Twice-Exceptional Student

2021-03-23T07:10:49-05:00Tuesday, March 23, 2021|Student Health, Education Info|

What makes gifted students exceptional? It's not always a higher intelligence or faster problem-solving. Often, children in gifted learning programs are there because they think differently. Some can see three-dimensional shapes unfold in their minds, so they excel at geometry. Alternatively, they have an unusual approach to words which becomes a talent for writing. "Gifted" [...]

2 Mar, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 6: How Long Should a Class Period Be?

2021-03-02T07:04:40-06:00Tuesday, March 2, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 6 asks the question: how long should a class period be?  The video covers the different bell schedules & class lengths, strengths of each, scenarios where one is better than others, and research on student attention. Click Here for [...]

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