
Monthly Archives: April 2022

28 Apr, 2022

How Traditional Curriculum Can Destroy Student Interest and Motivation

2022-05-03T09:15:56-05:00Thursday, April 28, 2022|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

Teachers know that to make learning more interesting, they must make it relevant. As much as students complain about the traditional approach to education, a typical curriculum relies on the fact that they can easily identify with the topics. However, most traditional curricula fail to connect with students regarding personal interests and hobbies. It, indeed, [...]

12 Apr, 2022

4 Key Note Taking Strategies That Can Help in High School and Beyond

2022-04-12T07:24:48-05:00Tuesday, April 12, 2022|Education Info, Learning Strategies|

The average class has about thirty minutes to an hour of lectures in high school per day. Aside from that, students are expected to read and study from the textbook for at least a few days before being tested on what they have learned in class, meaning that students rarely get enough time to sit down [...]

7 Apr, 2022

There’s No Shame in Summer School Anymore as Students Embrace Self-Directed Learning

2022-04-07T07:01:03-05:00Thursday, April 7, 2022|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Most people who are adults today associate the idea of summer school with remedial classes. It usually means someone has failed a class - or missed so much time that they have to make up several classes over the summer. It's the theme of several teen movies and summer school is always cast in a negative [...]

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