Learning Environment

8 Apr, 2024

What to Look For on Private School Tours

2024-04-08T14:56:22-05:00Monday, April 8, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Private School|

As the season for school tours approaches, families are getting ready to explore potential educational options for their children. It can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can also be an exciting and informative experience. When visiting a school, there are several important factors to consider, from the facilities and [...]

5 Apr, 2024

What You Need to Know About STAAR Testing in 2024

2024-04-05T09:57:14-05:00Friday, April 5, 2024|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents|

STAAR testing season is upon us here in Texas and we've got all the information to make sure you're prepared for the upcoming season of STAAR! What is STAAR Testing? The State of Texas Assessment of Academic readiness or known as STAAR is a form of standardized testing that the state of Texas has [...]

25 Mar, 2024

How to Make New Friends at School | 5 Tips For Success

2024-03-20T10:40:40-05:00Monday, March 25, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Student Health|

Starting at a new school can be stressful for many new students. Making friends may seem intimidating with many students wondering how to make new friends at school. I want to share some strategies that are effective in meeting new people. 1. Ask For Directions Asking for directions around the school is a great [...]

18 Mar, 2024

The Benefits of Private School Over Public School

2024-03-08T07:45:44-06:00Monday, March 18, 2024|Learning Environment, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Almost from their birth you begin to consider where your child will spend their school years. Knowing that their education is more than just filling their head with knowledge, you want to research all possible school routes. The school they attend will need to speak to them in their language, tap into how your [...]

11 Mar, 2024

5 Common Struggles of Gifted and Talented Students

2024-03-18T09:15:23-05:00Monday, March 11, 2024|Learning Environment, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Gifted and talented students are often the envy of their peers and naturally succeed in an academic setting. However, these gifts are not without their pitfalls. Exceptional students need emotional and social support to make sure they take care of themselves as well as reach their maximum potential. These needs can sometimes fall through the [...]

4 Mar, 2024

When It Comes to Math, It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Whole Group Instruction

2024-02-29T10:19:29-06:00Monday, March 4, 2024|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

For some people, the very mention of the word "math" fills them with anxiety. Even though math is a necessary skill that is used throughout life, many adults feel frustrated and anxious when presented with a situation that calls for mathematical reasoning. In fact, there is even a term for this fear -- "math [...]

20 Feb, 2024

Grade Skipping: 5 Reasons Your Child Shouldn’t Skip a School Grade

2024-02-20T09:06:15-06:00Tuesday, February 20, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Transition Between Schools|

"Is grade skipping the best option for my child?" As a parent of a smart kid, this thought might have crossed your mind. Before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons and have an in-depth discussion with your child's teacher. Consider your child's viewpoints as well. If they are anxious [...]

19 Feb, 2024

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Year Round School

2024-02-15T09:04:38-06:00Monday, February 19, 2024|Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Throughout most of the country, school systems are setup to allow a long summer break. This is great for supporting summer programs and activities: camps, family vacations, and trips to the neighborhood pool, for example. On the other hand, many students find themselves showing a strong achievement decline throughout the summer months–and some lower-income students may [...]

12 Feb, 2024

Screen Time in School: When Are Students Ready for It and What Are the Downsides?

2024-02-12T09:03:35-06:00Monday, February 12, 2024|Learning Environment|

Technology has made its way into the classroom in schools across the country. Sometimes, this is for the best. But other times, it has negative consequences. At The Tenney School, we stay in touch with the current trends in education. As we know, this often means utilizing devices in the classroom. However, we found [...]

9 Feb, 2024

Our 8 Favorite Myths About Private Schools

2024-02-07T11:36:34-06:00Friday, February 9, 2024|Learning Environment, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

"Private school" can take on many different meanings based on someone's own personal background, experience, and beliefs. In this blog, we'll dispel some myths about private schools so you can base your decision on facts and not rumors. They're All Religious It's true that many private schools are associated with a particular religion. Catholic schools, [...]

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