

15 May, 2017

Congratulations Class of 2017

2017-05-15T12:12:05-05:00Monday, May 15, 2017|Events, News, Parents|

The Tenney School Class of 2017 was launched this weekend.  We would like to congratulate our graduates on a job well done.  We wish you the best of luck next year as you pursue your education at: Houston Baptist University Houston Community College Lamar University Los Angeles Film School St. Thomas University Texas Tech University [...]

22 Dec, 2016

Happy Holidays from The Tenney School

2016-12-22T12:53:40-06:00Thursday, December 22, 2016|Events, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

We would like to wish all our students, teacher, parents and associates a brilliant holiday season.  As we reflect on 2016, we can say with confidence we have been blessed to serve with and alongside you this year.  Thanks for a great 2016, and we wish you all the best in 2017. The Tenney School

5 Oct, 2015

Open House – October 16th, 10AM-12PM

2015-10-22T12:54:13-05:00Monday, October 5, 2015|Events|

Come visit The Tenney School and observe our one-to-one instructional program in action.  We invite parents of Middle and High School students to come meet administrators, teachers, students and take a look at our campus and unique educational program. 3500 South Gessner Rd Friday October 16th 10AM-12PM

22 Sep, 2015

Safety in Today’s Social Media World – SBISD Event

2017-05-18T17:39:17-05:00Tuesday, September 22, 2015|Events|

On September 29th at 7pm, Spring Branch ISD is hosting a free community event we would like to let our families know about.  Our students are very knowledgeable about the use of social media, and we think our parent's should be too.  The above link will take you to information about this event.  

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