

9 Mar, 2018

New Parent Testimonial-March 2018

2018-03-09T19:52:24-06:00Friday, March 9, 2018|Uncategorized|

The Tenney School is a very different learning environment.  Watch this New Parent Testimonial to get a sense of how enrolling a child at The Tenney School makes life different for a parent. https://youtu.be/d5RdfftvuDo?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIgWa5QKZapV5omcKQv9Xq1

1 Mar, 2018

VLOG #17: SAT or ACT?

2018-06-25T11:36:15-05:00Thursday, March 1, 2018|Uncategorized, Education Info, Testing Strategies|

In this VLOG we discuss how high school students should evaluate which college entrance exam to focus on.  We cover the background of both the SAT and ACT, as well as how the two tests differ.  Based on the focus and composition of each test, we will highlight the types of students that may favor [...]

11 May, 2017

VLOG #7: Apps Every Parent Should Know

2017-05-08T21:53:25-05:00Thursday, May 11, 2017|Uncategorized|

In this VLOG we have a guest expert, Michelle Sacks from Crimestoppers, help us talk through the Apps out there that every parent should know.  We discuss the importance of understanding legal ages as well as potentially dangerous apps and the things parents should do to protect their children. https://youtu.be/LKEqPW3ZqaU

18 Apr, 2017

VLOG #6: College Admissions Secrets

2017-05-18T17:39:09-05:00Tuesday, April 18, 2017|Uncategorized|

In this video we discuss the perspective of college admissions from a College Admissions Officers perspective.  In this VLOG we are joined by a former College Admissions Officer, Danny Kahalley.  Danny describes how all colleges use the "5 Ps" to evaluate candidates.  We also discuss how technology has changed the admissions landscape, and whether those [...]

7 Apr, 2017

VLOG #5: Can Homework Be Good?

2017-05-18T17:39:10-05:00Friday, April 7, 2017|Uncategorized|

In VLOG #5 we discuss how homework can be a good thing.  We look as some specific data showing how homework can help build student achievement.  We also look at the specific situations where homework helps students learn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn3lD24yW6g

21 Nov, 2016

5 Eye-Openers for Getting Your Tired Child to School in the Morning

2017-05-18T17:39:12-05:00Monday, November 21, 2016|Uncategorized|

Is your house full of tension in the mornings due to you attempting to unsuccessfully wake up your teen in time for school? Does your teen stumble to the breakfast table half-asleep? Or maybe he or she doesn’t even make it to breakfast because of sleeping in a few extra minutes? If so, you’re not [...]

31 Oct, 2016

4 Ways Your “Naughty” Child Will Benefit from Private School

2017-05-18T17:39:12-05:00Monday, October 31, 2016|Uncategorized|

Now that school is back in full swing and teachers have become acquainted with their students, more and more parents are receiving notes and calls from their children's teachers. These calls are rarely a good thing, and are often to address behavioral problems the child may be having. Many parents will react to these phone [...]

19 Sep, 2016

Why Choose a Private School?

2017-05-18T17:39:16-05:00Monday, September 19, 2016|Education Info, News, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Uncategorized|

Why choose a private school?  This is a fundamental question every parent must ask and answer for their child.  Though a private school may be better for your child, is it worth the extra expense?  Public schools are free.  Do the benefits of private school justify the expense?  This is a very personal question that [...]

8 Sep, 2016

Four Core Values of Independent Schools

2017-05-18T17:39:16-05:00Thursday, September 8, 2016|Uncategorized|

Many public schools are experiencing a radical surge in challenges that effect not only the students, but entire families.   Statistics reveal a sad and shocking truth.  Between the years 2013-14, approximately 35 states within the US experienced sharp budget cuts that lowered funding per-student.  Surveys further reveal that although some states increased their school's [...]

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