Published On: Monday, February 10, 2025|Categories: Parents, Education Info|

Your student can’t succeed alone. They need an involved parent who is dedicated to their student’s educational experience — in the classroom and outside of it. Here are a few ways you can get involved in your student’s educational experience, as a parent of a student in grades 5-12:

Be Present During Homework Time

As a parent, you understand how stressful school can be for your child as they grow up. So, when your child is doing homework or studying for an assignment, be present and able to offer them support. This can look different, depending on your child’s needs. For example, if they’re studying for a science test, ask them if they want you to quiz them on the material. Or, if they’re writing an English paper for a few hours, ask them if they’d like a snack, to refuel as they write.

Make sure you’re listening to your child’s needs during homework time. Encourage them to maintain proper work and study habits. Help them work hard and be a dedicated student. Also, let them know that they can take breaks. Schoolwork is not the only thing in their lives—make sure they understand mental and physical health matters, too.

Show Up for Sporting Events and Club Activities

When your student advances in their academic career, they’ll likely begin to participate in more extracurricular activities, like sports and clubs. Make sure you show up for these events as much as possible. When your student knows their parent is proud of their accomplishments and excited to watch them in their pursuits, their confidence will increase. They’ll be more likely to succeed in their academic life. Support matters after school hours, too.

Volunteer at School, if Possible

Depending on the age of your student, their academic life will look different. So, ask your student’s teacher if they need volunteers in the classroom or otherwise. Your student will feel good when you show interest and involvement in their class. It will also help alleviate some of the teacher’s responsibilities. Again, volunteering in a fifth-grade class will look different than volunteering in an AP class. Pay attention to volunteer opportunities in your child’s grade, and chip in whenever you can.

Enlist Tutors or Tutor Yourself, When Necessary

Certain students struggle in certain subjects. If you have a student who needs extra help in math, hire a tutor to give your child the support they need. Your student might need to meet with their tutor once a month or twice a week. Collaborate with your student, teacher, and tutor, to see what’s right for your child’s situation. It’s important to be able to gauge when your student needs extra help. Even more, if you’re a parent with expertise in a certain subject, offer to tutor other students or host a study group for your child and their friends.

Head Philanthropic Efforts

Students will benefit from seeing positive, giving role models. So, as a parent, talk to other parents and teachers about beginning new charitable efforts at the school. Whether you start a new volunteering club or you head a donation drive to give items to people in need, the school, and the students can always benefit from giving back to the community.

Parent Involvement Matters for The Tenney School Students

As you can see, there are many ways to be active in a student’s educational experience. Parent involvement matters. Students with involved parents are more likely to succeed in the long term. Whether it be improved academic performance, social skills, or emotional health, students benefit in many ways when their parents are engaged. For more information about The Tenney School and getting involved in the school community, contact us.

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