Published On: Wednesday, April 19, 2023|Categories: Education Info, Learning Strategies|

Why is school boring? If you think about it, this is a common complaint. A lot of kids think that school is boring. That’s why you hear about students skipping school. Or if they’re not old enough to skip school, they’re talking to other kids in class. Or they’re staring out the window or looking at a phone that the teacher doesn’t know they have. As a parent, you may also remember many instances when you became bored at school. Read on to learn more about one-on-one instruction and how it can help your child to be constantly engaged at school.

The Prevalent Educational Model

Given that most schools nowadays rely on the same model of instruction, which consists of one teacher instructing a class of 30 children, it’s not surprising that some of them became bored. The teacher may be able to hold the attention of the majority of the children in the class. But there are going to be children who find the material too easy or too difficult. And those are the ones who are likely to be distracted.

Every child is different and the current educational model simply doesn’t take this into account. The only time when a child is given one-on-one attention is when something goes wrong.

Spotting When Your Child Is Bored

Boredom may be the first indicator that the educational system is not living up to the child’s needs. But a lot of teachers may not even notice when a child became bored because they have to teach 30 children at one go.

As a parent, however, you are privy to your child’s everyday experiences. You know when your child is enjoying themselves at school. And you know when they became bored and distracted. You know which subjects they love and which ones they’re having a hard time with.

Understanding Why Your Child Is Bored

As a parent, you want the best for your child. So you might feel the need for a change even though your child isn’t doing badly or getting into trouble at school. Even if the only thing a child complains about is boredom, it makes sense for you as a parent to dig deeper and understand the sources of this boredom. Is a certain subject too difficult for the child? Is it too easy? Does the child understand things better when the teacher approaches the topic differently?

Most parents do, at some point or the other, help their kids with their homework. So it’s easy for them to see which things their kid grasps easily and which things are not so easy. And, of course, gifted children need challenges more than other children in the class.

The Benefits of One-on-One Instruction

If your child is suffering from boredom, then it makes sense to consider moving them from their current school to a different one where they can receive more personalized attention. Smaller classes are, of course, a better option than larger ones. But the best thing for any child, which allows them to learn at their own pace and in their own way, is one-on-one instruction.

At a school where one-on-one instruction is the norm, each child will be able to proceed at his/her own pace. They will develop their strengths to the utmost and work on their weaknesses too.

When Can One-on-One Instruction Help?

With one-on-one instruction, your gifted child will receive further challenges allowing them to develop their gifts. If your child has been having difficulty with certain subjects, then one-on-one instruction will get to the root of that difficulty. If your child was initially educated in a different educational system in a different country, then one-on-one instruction can help them to understand the difference between the two systems. They will develop the skills needed under the new educational system.

With one-on-one instruction, the child will be constantly engaged. They will constantly be participating in the classroom. They won’t have any time for boredom because they’ll always be challenged to the exact extent they need to be challenged.

Contact us if you are concerned that your child is suffering from boredom at his/her current school.

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