Published On: Tuesday, November 30, 2021|Categories: Testing Strategies, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

It’s nearing the end of the semester and finals are right around the corner. A little nervous about what lies ahead? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. No matter how well you’ve done during the semester, finals week can leave anyone feeling a bit stressed. However, with a little bit of preparation and some helpful tips, you can make this week as stress-free as possible. First of all, it’s important to know that everyone experiences a bit of exam anxiety and that is perfectly normal. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or your studying. However, it means that the material has become more difficult and you need to be more focused than usual.

By focusing on preparing for the upcoming exams, you will feel better about your work. These might seem like simple things to do but they actually make a world of difference:

Make a Finals Study Schedule

Creating a study schedule is helpful for everyone, no matter how well you think you’re prepared. First of all, it helps create a little bit of structure to your studying that can help ease stress and anxiety, because you will know exactly what needs to get done each day. Even if the assignment seems simple or easy enough to complete in one day, it doesn’t hurt to break up the work into smaller chunks.

Don’t forget to include breaks in between studying sessions. Every couple of hours or so take a quick five-minute break and then get back to what you were working on. You’ll be surprised at how much more productive your study time is when you give yourself small breaks. Once you’ve finished your study schedule, it’s a good idea to share with friends or family members so they can help keep you accountable. This is especially helpful if the person is studying right alongside you.

Find a Quiet Place to Study for Finals

When it comes to finals, there are always going to be distractions around you. It can feel impossible to concentrate when your roommate is watching Netflix or the TV in the living room is on at full volume. That’s why it helps if you find a quiet place where nobody will disturb you during your study session(s). Try doing some studying in a library, or if that’s too loud, then you can always go to a coffee shop where there are fewer people around.

If neither of those is an option for you, try studying at home when everyone else is asleep so there won’t be any interruptions at all. Even though it may not feel like it sometimes–you are more than capable of studying on your own.

Get Enough Sleep

There is no denying that finals week can be stressful, but it’s important to remember not to overwork yourself. At the end of the day, you need your sleep! If you’re constantly staying up late studying or working on assignments, then it will make things much more difficult for you in the long run. Not only are there going to be consequences when you have to pull all-nighters, but it’s just not good for your health in general.

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to get yourself motivated to go to bed on time during midterms or finals week but try using the extra hours of sleep as motivation instead. If you know that there are only a few days left until your exams are over, you’ll have that extra push to get yourself into bed.

If all else fails and you just can’t seem to fall asleep at night, then it’s okay–just get up and do something relaxing instead of stressing out about it. Try reading a book or meditating for a few minutes so you won’t feel too anxious about the lack of sleep.

Don’t Forget to Eat

Just like getting enough sleep, it’s important not to forget about your body. It can be very easy to put yourself in an “all-study” mode where you neglect all other parts of your life, but it’s very important to remember that your body needs fuel for you to be able to do well on the exams.

Make sure you’re eating three big meals a day and keeping yourself hydrated for each study session. If all else fails, try having an extra snack or two before bed. Then, you’ll feel more refreshed the next morning.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is the best. It can get you through your toughest study sessions and keep you alert. However, it’s important to limit how much caffeine you’re taking in during finals week. While some people might think that they should up their intake of coffee or energy drinks so they’ll be able to stay awake for longer periods of time, it’s actually not a good idea.

Caffeine can be very harmful to your body when you’re drinking too much or consuming it on an empty stomach, so try limiting yourself. If that isn’t enough, then maybe switch over to decaf for the rest of the week so you don’t have to rely on caffeine as much.

Get Some Exercise

This might sound a little crazy, but it’s very important to stay healthy during the exam season. If you’re feeling stressed out and anxious, then try exercising to reduce feelings of stress. Even if it means only doing one or two simple exercises at home before bed, find time for strength training every day. Exercise helps you relax and get you into a routine. Then, it won’t even seem like exercise any more–it’ll just be part of your daily life.

If there’s no way for you to sneak away during the exam week, try doing some light stretches before each study session to help you feel less stiff. You’ll be surprised by how much of a difference it can make as long as you don’t overdo it and push yourself too far past your limits.

Study Smarter, Not Harder for Finals

Finals are tough, but you’ve been preparing for them all semester long. Now is not the time to give up. If you take everything one step at a time, then you’ll do well on your exams. Keep these tips in mind when you start to feel overwhelmed and remember that you can do it!

For more information on preparing for finals, online tutoring, or to discuss our academic programs, contact us today!

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