Monthly Archives: September 2022

27 Sep, 2022

5 Practical Tips on How to Prepare for College

2022-11-07T11:15:04-06:00Tuesday, September 27, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

Going to college is a big step. It's a time for being independent, new experiences, and self-discovery. But it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. The key to a successful college experience is mental and emotional preparation. In this article, we'll share some practical tips on how to prepare for college. There [...]

6 Sep, 2022

Practical Tips on How to Prepare for College

2022-09-06T08:20:17-05:00Tuesday, September 6, 2022|Uncategorized, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

With focused and high-achieving students, getting into an elite college is their dream. And it is always a tough season for the students looking to join college. A lot of time and other resources goes into preparation. For instance, according to research by Solomon Admissions Consulting, students from private schools had a lower rate of [...]

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