Monthly Archives: March 2024

25 Mar, 2024

How to Make New Friends at School | 5 Tips For Success

2024-03-20T10:40:40-05:00Monday, March 25, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Student Health|

Starting at a new school can be stressful for many new students. Making friends may seem intimidating with many students wondering how to make new friends at school. I want to share some strategies that are effective in meeting new people. 1. Ask For Directions Asking for directions around the school is a great [...]

18 Mar, 2024

The Benefits of Private School Over Public School

2024-03-08T07:45:44-06:00Monday, March 18, 2024|Private School, Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Almost from their birth you begin to consider where your child will spend their school years. Knowing that their education is more than just filling their head with knowledge, you want to research all possible school routes. The school they attend will need to speak to them in their language, tap into how your [...]

15 Mar, 2024

Being Late to Class: It’s Not Cool!

2024-03-08T07:28:09-06:00Friday, March 15, 2024|Tenney Subscribers, Education Info, Parents, Punctuality|

In many schools, being late to class is seen as something of a token of coolness. Kids who are late are “edgy,” or they’re seen as being “too cool for school.” They clearly have larger concerns on their time and energy than making it to class just as the bell rings. Some students, in fact, [...]

11 Mar, 2024

5 Common Struggles of Gifted and Talented Students

2024-03-18T09:15:23-05:00Monday, March 11, 2024|Learning Environment, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Gifted and talented students are often the envy of their peers and naturally succeed in an academic setting. However, these gifts are not without their pitfalls. Exceptional students need emotional and social support to make sure they take care of themselves as well as reach their maximum potential. These needs can sometimes fall through the [...]

4 Mar, 2024

When It Comes to Math, It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Whole Group Instruction

2024-02-29T10:19:29-06:00Monday, March 4, 2024|Learning Strategies, Learning Environment|

For some people, the very mention of the word "math" fills them with anxiety. Even though math is a necessary skill that is used throughout life, many adults feel frustrated and anxious when presented with a situation that calls for mathematical reasoning. In fact, there is even a term for this fear -- "math [...]

1 Mar, 2024

Year-Round Schools vs Traditional Schools: Pros and Cons

2024-12-04T09:38:24-06:00Friday, March 1, 2024|Education Info|

The education landscape is changing, and the debate rages on. Should we continue with traditional schools or switch to a year-round system? There are pros and cons associated with both, but ultimately the decision rests in the hands of parents, teachers, and school boards responsible for educating our children. Weighing out both sides can help [...]

1 Mar, 2024

The Impact of High School Cheating

2024-10-22T12:50:08-05:00Friday, March 1, 2024|Student Health, Education Info, Teachers|

Cheating is an ever-present struggle in high schools all across America. Even though it is easier to detect with digital learning and artificial intelligence, it is more common than you may realize. Cheating on a test may not seem like much, but the truth is that it rarely stops there. Once a student finds him [...]

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