Published On: Tuesday, April 12, 2022|Categories: Education Info, Learning Strategies|

The average class has about thirty minutes to an hour of lectures in high school per day. Aside from that, students are expected to read and study from the textbook for at least a few days before being tested on what they have learned in class, meaning that students rarely get enough time to sit down and listen to all of their lectures, let alone remember everything covered in them. Students who can take good notes tend to do better in their classes because they can quickly look at their notes for reference. Taking notes can be strenuous, especially when taking notes from different sources. Try these helpful tips and strategies to improve your note-taking experience!

Come Prepared for Note Taking

Taking notes in class is one of the best ways to retain information. It makes it easier to recall what you’ve learned and helps you stay on task. Here are some tips for taking notes in class:

  • Sit up straight and do not slouch in your chair.
  • Avoid talking with classmates or looking at social media during the lecture.
  • Make a brief outline before taking notes to plan what will be important to write down.
  • Write down everything the professor says, even if it doesn’t seem important.
  • Ask questions.

Take Notes During Class

The best way to take notes in class is to take copious notes during the lecture. As a general rule, it is best to write something down as soon as you hear it. This helps keep your mind focused on the presented content, not what you write. It is also important not to miss any key points during a presentation. It may be difficult to remember everything that was said after a break or when the class ends, so keep an eye out for times when you are having difficulty following along. Here are a few pointers to help you spruce up your note-taking skills:

  • Use shorthand – Shorthand notes can be very useful for documenting conversations and lectures. It takes time to use shorthand notes, but it can be a great tool once you’ve mastered it.
  • Try color-coding – The human brain learns best when presented with a combination of visuals and words. When taking notes, color-coding helps break down the information you try to remember.
  • Listen for cues – The key to taking effective notes is to listen for the cues when your professor talks. You should be listening to what they are saying and how they say it. When you take notes, be sure not to write too much, or include anything not relevant to the class.

Check Back

After you write down your notes, take a moment to check them. Read back through your notes and confirm that they are complete. This is an effective way to ensure you have not forgotten anything and that your notes are cohesive. After completing checking your notes, organize them into a logical order. This will make it easier for you to put your thoughts together, and it will also help your readers follow the progression of your ideas.

Compare Your Notes

Taking notes during a lecture may feel a little rushed, so it’s prudent to always double back and check your notes for accuracy against the text provided by your books. Go through your classmate’s notes as well. Everyone writes notes differently based on their understanding of a topic. Your classmates may write down something in a way that you’d find easier to understand.

Find More Key Note Taking Strategies That Can Help in High School and Beyond

Taking notes is an essential skill that everyone needs to master. It can help you succeed in class, prepare for tests and assignments, and even land a job when it’s time to enter the workforce. If you want to learn how to take notes effectively, make sure you visit our website or contact us today.

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