Published On: Tuesday, February 20, 2024|Categories: Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Transition Between Schools|

“Is grade skipping the best option for my child?” As a parent of a smart kid, this thought might have crossed your mind. Before making a decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and have an in-depth discussion with your child’s teacher. Consider your child’s viewpoints as well. If they are anxious about skipping grades, they may not be ready.

What Is Grade Skipping?

Grade skipping is a type of academic acceleration that allows academically gifted students to bypass the coursework of one or more school years.

Why Do Parents Grade-Skip Their Kids?

There are two main reasons why parents grade-skip their kids.

  • Their gifted child is not adequately challenged in their current grade. They grasp concepts before their peers and quickly get bored in class and when doing tasks such as homework.
  • The parents feel teachers don’t pay special attention to their gifted child, which is true. Research shows that only 23% of teachers focus on academically advanced students, while 60% consider struggling students a top priority.

Although grade skipping was popular in the past, the numbers have significantly dropped over the years. Nowadays, only about one percent of students’ grade-skip. The significant drop is due to the emotional and psychological effects grade skipping has on young children.

Here are five problems your child might face when skipping grades in either private or public schools.

1. Trouble Adjusting To a New Academic Rigor

As students advance in grades, their workload is bound to increase. A child who previously breezed through work may face unprepared academic pressures. The drastic transition can be overwhelming for your child, who might struggle to adjust to the new academic pace in the higher grade.

2. Social Isolation

It is natural for a grade-skipped student to feel like the “new kid” in class and withdraw since they do not fit in. It may be difficult for them to make friends and relate to their peers, leading them to dread going to school.

3. Difficulty Staying at the Top of the Class

Students may find it challenging to maintain their excellent academic performance. The student may fall behind in a higher grade despite excelling in their previous class. This transition might discourage students, causing them to lose interest in learning and stop putting in the effort.

4. Emotional Unpreparedness

As a parent, you should consider the emotional maturity of your child before grade skipping them. After joining the higher grade, they may lack the social skills to interact with older children. As a result, they may struggle to initiate conversations or relate with their peers.

5. Prone To Bullying

Bullying is an unpleasant reality in today’s educational system, particularly for children who other students see as “different.” A grade-skipped student is likely to be shorter than most of their new classmates, and they may become the target of class bullies. If the teasing doesn’t stop, the student may develop low self-esteem.

Childhood is already short as it is. There’s no need to hurry your child.

Let Your Gifted Child Discover The Power Of One

If you’re considering skipping grades for your child, be sure to weigh all your options. Grade skipping might do more harm than good for your child. Enrolling your child in a one-on-one instruction class is an excellent alternative to skipping grades.

At the Tenney School, we offer personalized learning based on each student’s unique needs. Through the one-to-one student-to-teacher ratio, your gifted child will benefit from targeted education and individual coaching, one session at a time. We’ll focus on their strengths and challenge them with new exercises daily.

Schedule a call with us and let your little one experience the Power of One.

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