

31 Oct, 2017

VLOG #12: Student-Teacher Rapport

2017-10-31T12:47:18-05:00Tuesday, October 31, 2017|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Teachers|

 This VLOG is a discussion of student-teacher rapport in the classroom. We will delve into what research says about how student-teacher rapport impacts student success and share some tips on how teachers can gain and maintain rapport with students. https://youtu.be/Lvn77YBD3Ko?list=PLWrEKET0tyHJ_sNqgIhcNc97WCh3Ts-eM

16 Oct, 2017

2017 Private School Preview

2017-10-16T14:09:34-05:00Monday, October 16, 2017|Events, Parents, Private School|

We would like to thank everyone who came by our booth yesterday as part of this year's Private School Preview.  As part of stopping by our booth, you have been added to our bi-weekly Tenney News email.  The best way to understand our academic program is to see it in person.  You can schedule a school [...]

16 Sep, 2017

Gifted and Talented vs Advanced Placement: Know the Difference to Prevent GT Burnout

2021-01-29T10:19:03-06:00Saturday, September 16, 2017|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

There are many schools of thought among parents, teachers, and administrations as to what to do with children identified as “Gifted and Talented”. What this means and how to provide for the greater potential of these children is constantly debated. Should they be accelerated to college prep? Separated from the other children? Given more creative [...]

4 Sep, 2017

Tenney School Reopening

2017-09-04T11:47:13-05:00Monday, September 4, 2017|Events, News, Parents|

For students that can make it, The Tenney School will reopen on Tuesday September 5th.  We hope that getting back to school will provide our students and staff a sense of normalcy following the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Harvey.  Please pre-plan your route to school.  Traffic will likely be unusual as many of the primary [...]

4 Sep, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath: Ways to Encourage the Children, as Families Struggle

2017-09-04T11:26:34-05:00Monday, September 4, 2017|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

It only took a few hours for Hurricane Harvey to dismantle the city of Houston last week. Unfortunately, they will be dealing with the aftermath of this monster storm for years to come. According to Business Insider, approximately 230,000 children are delayed from returning to the class room this week. Is it any wonder, when you consider the scope [...]

2 Aug, 2017

Devices Down, Brains On

2017-08-02T23:46:40-05:00Wednesday, August 2, 2017|Education Info, Parents, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

By this point in summer, the novelty of long, warm days in the sun has long since worn off for your teenager. If left to their own devices, they'd spend all day playing on a device: scrolling through memes on their phones, visiting social media sites, playing video games, and more. You need strategies that [...]

28 Jun, 2017

Creating the Ideal Learning Environment for Gifted and Talented Students

2017-06-24T13:10:57-05:00Wednesday, June 28, 2017|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Every student learns best when given the proper learning environment; a healthy learning environment ensures that they are given plenty of creative exposure, proper learning tools, and sensitivity toward each of their learning styles. However, for gifted and talented students, creating an ideal learning environment is often very tricky; many gifted and talented students feel [...]

19 Jun, 2017

The 6 Steps You Need to Take to Obtain Your F-1 Visa

2017-06-21T10:50:16-05:00Monday, June 19, 2017|International students, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

A record number of international students were enrolled in U.S. secondary schools and higher education institutions in the fall of 2016—more than 1 million according to the Open Doors Report. The largest group were from China (31.5%), followed by India (15.9%), Saudi Arabia (5.9%) and South Korea (5.8%). The largest number of these students, almost 150,000, attended schools [...]

30 May, 2017

5 Summer Activities for Gifted and Talented Students

2017-05-26T09:05:40-05:00Tuesday, May 30, 2017|Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Summer break is a yearly challenge. Planning vacations, balancing schedules, and finding time to relax keep many families busy. Finding just the right activities to keep our children happy and engaged is an on-going struggle for parents. However, for gifted and talented students, planning a healthy and enjoyable summer is absolutely critical. Without the structure [...]

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