
Five Reasons Why Private School Might Be the Best Choice for International Students

Published On: Friday, February 22, 2019|Categories: International students, Education Info, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Moving to a new school can be an intimidating experience. But moving to a new school in a new culture trumps it all. Yet many international students are flooding American schools in search of quality education. We understand that choosing a school can be a difficult decision for the international student. So we would like to offer five reasons why private school may be the way to go.

1. Private school allows international students to receive more personal attention. 

Private school classes are often much smaller than in public schools. This has various pros and cons; and it certainly works to the advantage of the international student. Because there are fewer students in each class, instructors are able to give more personal attention to each individual student. There is more opportunity for answering questions and giving further explanation. Instructors will have the freedom to offer assistance to students who need it. This is an extremely helpful environment for an international student to get up to speed with the method and materials of the new school.

2. Private school helps international students to form a close friend base. 

When entering a new school, international students have no idea how other students will react to a new addition to the classroom. The new student may feel apprehensive about classmates accepting him or her. Plus, the sheer number of students provides little opportunity for establishing deep relationships, or even learning everyone’s names. In the private school setting, however, true friendships are much more likely to form. Private school students often have an encouraging, accepting ethic, both in and out of the classroom. This is a place where international students can develop closer friendships with their classmates.

3. Private school offers international students a more adaptable learning program.

Public school can be rigid when it comes to method and pace of learning. Teachers are assigned a certain material that they must get through in a certain amount of time. Everyone moves along at the same rate – regardless of whether or not they understand the material. This is obviously not a helpful approach for any student, and especially the international student. Private school offers a more adaptable approach. Instructors are well equipped to observe their class and base their lectures on how the class is performing. Especially with the individual focus discussed above, international students have a little more space to learn at their own pace. This makes the transition to a new school easier. And it makes learning far more effective.

4. Private school gives international students a high quality but a less overwhelming experience. 

International students should expect an academically rigorous experience at a private school. This is probably what they are looking for, and what they are used to from their previous school. Yet private school is also a safe space for students to enhance their academic abilities. Private schools are often quite literally physically safer places to be than public schools. They can also have a much more emotionally safe atmosphere. Finally, they provide a place where the student can more easily improve their English language skills if necessary.

5. Private school provides more opportunity for international students to maximize their intelligence. 

International students face unique struggles when they come to the United States to study. They are simply adjusting to a brand new school – they are also transition into a new country and culture! This can be both exciting and intimidating. International students face struggles that the other students will not face. In the private school, there is greater opportunity for fellow classmates and instructors to understand this. Both classmates and teachers can work together to help international students overcome any roadblocks and demonstrate their academic ability within a new school system.

One amazing option for new international students is The Tenney School. The Tenney School offers one-on-one instruction for each student, allowing international students to truly discover their full potential. If you have any questions, make sure to contact us. You can see for yourself what a big difference The Tenney School makes.

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