Published On: Tuesday, September 19, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

As a parent, your child’s education holds an invaluable place in your life. You dream of your child flourishing, of walking across that graduation stage with a proud smile. But what happens when that dream seems to blur because your child is grappling with anxiety and stress? Often, traditional school settings—with their large classrooms and one-size-fits-all curricula—can amplify these feelings, leading you into a problem. When you notice your child’s enthusiasm for school waning, replaced by morning stomach aches or tearful Sunday nights, it’s natural to question, “Is this school environment the right fit for my child?”

This concern can be even more heightened for parents with children in the critical grades of 5-12 when academic and social pressures soar. If you find yourself worrying about this, you’re not alone. And that’s precisely where The Tenney School in Houston steps in as a lighthouse in the storm. With its one-to-one teaching approach, The Tenney School offers a tailored educational environment designed to ease anxieties and allow your child to engage with learning in a way that makes sense. So, as you ponder the crucial decision about your child’s schooling, remember that you have options that can significantly improve your child’s experience and well-being.

Signs That the Current School Isn’t Working

School Refusal

One of the most glaring indicators that your child is grappling with school-related issues is when they outright refuse to go to school. They might come up with excuses, fake illnesses, or become emotionally distraught at the mere mention of attending classes. This isn’t sheer stubbornness; this could be a cry for help signaling deeper issues like anxiety, fear, or bullying.

Lowering Grades

Another tell-tale sign is a noticeable drop in academic performance. Parents often look to common culprits like distraction or lack of effort when grades start to slip. But, usually, the root cause could be anxiety or stress, directly impacting their ability to concentrate and absorb information. It’s essential to recognize that falling grades aren’t just about “not making the effort;” they’re often a symptom of an underlying problem needing immediate attention.

Anxiety Inside and Outside the Classroom

When anxiety doesn’t just stay in the classroom but follows your child home, you know you’ve got a problem. If your child is consistently anxious, irritable, or disengaged, their school environment is likely a significant contributor. This continuous state of stress can lead to physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches, making the daily routine a grind.

Difficulty Making Friends

Friendship, or the lack thereof, is a significant part of your child’s school experience. If your child struggles to connect socially, that can be a double-edged sword. Not only does it lead to feelings of isolation, but it also exacerbates the dread of going to school. The social component is often overlooked but plays a massive role in a child’s mental health.

Additional Indicators That Something’s Wrong

  • Loss of Interest in Activities: If your child suddenly shows no interest in activities that once brought joy—sports, art, or reading—that’s a red flag. This could mean they are mentally preoccupied with stressors at school.
  • Fatigue or Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Constant anxiety and stress can take a physical toll, leading to chronic fatigue or disrupted sleep patterns. This creates a vicious cycle where lack of sleep feeds into daytime anxiety.
  • Avoidance of Group Work: If your child is evading group work or collaborative projects, it may signal a fear of social interaction, another side effect of an unhealthy learning environment.

Recognizing these signs early can be crucial in understanding the root of your child’s issues. Each symptom is a cry for help, and addressing them proactively can make a world of difference.

How The Tenney School Addresses These Issues

One-to-One Classrooms

The cornerstone of The Tenney School’s approach is its one-to-one classroom setting. Imagine the transformation when your child moves from a crowded, impersonal classroom to an environment where the focus is solely on them. In this setting, the typical triggers of classroom anxiety—like fear of speaking up or being overlooked by a busy teacher—are significantly reduced. With a one-student-to-one-teacher ratio, lessons can be tailored to fit your child’s specific academic needs, pace, and depth of understanding, leaving no room for the anxiety that often stems from feeling rushed or left behind.

The Power of One

When The Tenney School talks about “The Power of One,” they’re not just throwing around a catchy slogan. This philosophy is deeply embedded in their educational model. In a traditional classroom, the teacher sets the pace and curriculum for the class, often leaving individual needs unaddressed. At The Tenney School, your child is the one who influences how fast or slow they go through the material. This instills a sense of control, which is often missing in anxious students and allows them to reach their full academic potential without undue stress.

Accelerated Performance and Mentoring

Another standout feature is the school’s dedication to breaking down academic barriers. If your child falls behind due to anxiety, the one-on-one mentoring at The Tenney School can help them catch up and excel. Teachers become more than just instructors; they become mentors who understand each student’s unique learning curve. This tailored mentoring system provides the emotional and academic support that anxious kids need to conquer their fears and succeed. The result? Students leave the classroom feeling empowered, not deflated.

Open Enrollment

One common worry for parents is the timing. “Is it too late to make a switch?” At The Tenney School, this is never an issue. Their open enrollment policy allows you to enroll your child any time of the year, which is perfect for families who recognize late in the term that their current school setting is not working. This removes one more barrier to giving your child the personalized education they deserve.

The Tenney School doesn’t just offer another alternative; it offers a solution tailored to each child’s needs. From personalized attention to flexible enrollment options, this institution has effectively built an educational haven where anxious students can regain their love for learning, backed by a system designed to help them thrive.

A History of Excellence: The Tenney School’s Journey

When considering the right educational environment for your child, especially one struggling with anxiety, it’s crucial to know you’re entrusting them to a place that understands their needs. The Tenney School isn’t a new player on the educational scene; it’s an institution built on a solid history of one-to-one instruction.

In 1973, George and Judy Tenney moved to Houston with a vision. Judy was a gifted teacher with a knack for elevating students’ academic performance through one-on-one interactions. George brought business acumen to the table, having experience in sales and school admissions. Together, they formed a powerful duo.

Initially, Judy began working with students needing varied academic support—some were aiming for their GEDs, while others needed to enhance their GRE scores for nursing school. The consistent factor in all these cases? One-to-one attention consistently led to student success.

George and Judy launched The Tenney School, recognizing the immense benefits of personalized instruction. George was responsible for finding and enrolling students, while Judy took charge of education. Their collaborative efforts bore fruit; before long, the school became a thriving educational center. By 1979, it had gained accreditation, lending credibility to its unique model.

Fast Forward to Current History

Fast forward four decades, and the school’s commitment to one-to-one instruction has not wavered. It remains the cornerstone of their teaching philosophy, a guiding principle that benefits students who walk through their doors. Before enrolling, each child is individually assessed to ensure that The Tenney School’s environment will bolster their academic confidence and sharpen their study skills.

George and Judy retired in 2010, but their son, Michael Tenney, carries their legacy. The school continues to grow but stays true to its foundational philosophy. This history of excellence isn’t just about longevity; it’s a testament to a sustained commitment to individualized instruction that empowers students, many like your own, to conquer challenges and excel academically.

So when contemplating the significant decision of changing schools, remember that The Tenney School doesn’t just offer a program; it provides a proven solution. Your child won’t be stepping into an experiment but a well-established system designed to alleviate academic stress and elevate their learning experience.

Take the Next Step

Are you convinced that The Tenney School could be the right choice for your child? You can schedule a campus tour or a call to explore if this individualized learning environment is the solution you’ve been seeking.

If you see signs of school-related anxiety in your child, don’t wait for the problem to be solved. Consider a smaller, personalized setting like The Tenney School. Their unique one-to-one teaching approach provides a tailored educational experience that could be just what your anxious child needs to succeed.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step toward giving your child the educational experience they deserve. With The Tenney School, you’re not just enrolling your child in a school—you’re partnering with an institution that cares deeply about each student’s success.

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