
Activities for Gifted Students

4 Apr, 2020

How to Support Your Gifted & Talented Child at Home

2020-06-02T14:50:56-05:00Saturday, April 4, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Every parent of a GT child is proud, but Gifted & Talented is more than just a title of achievement. GT and AP (advanced placement) are separate entities. It means your child is more creative than others and, thus, more likely to excel in non-standard ways. Your child may be better at problem-solving with outside-the-box [...]

30 May, 2017

5 Summer Activities for Gifted and Talented Students

2017-05-26T09:05:40-05:00Tuesday, May 30, 2017|Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Summer break is a yearly challenge. Planning vacations, balancing schedules, and finding time to relax keep many families busy. Finding just the right activities to keep our children happy and engaged is an on-going struggle for parents. However, for gifted and talented students, planning a healthy and enjoyable summer is absolutely critical. Without the structure [...]

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