international student communication

30 Jul, 2018

International Students: Tips to Improve Your English

2020-10-05T08:32:56-05:00Monday, July 30, 2018|International students, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School|

Changing country and adapting to a new culture is difficult for anyone. The only exception to this rule is when someone only temporarily changes location for an extended vacation. I have never heard of a person complaining about how comfortable the sand feels or how cold the cocktail was in Ibiza.  But being an international [...]

15 May, 2017

Helping International Students Break the Language Barrier

2017-05-18T17:39:09-05:00Monday, May 15, 2017|Education Info, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

If you will be welcoming an international student into your home soon, you may be wondering how in the world you will overcome the language barrier. This can feel especially intimidating if you have no knowledge of the child's native language. It becomes even more difficult if the student also has very limited knowledge of [...]

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