
study skills

20 Sep, 2024

The Spacing Effect: A Proven Strategy for Learning Better Than Cramming

2024-09-20T13:59:30-05:00Friday, September 20, 2024|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Testing Strategies|

Studying takes a lot of time and effort. While we are young we form behaviors and habits that will be with us all our lives and this also reflects in the way we learn something new. Being able to learn efficiently will not help someone only during exams. It is a lifelong skill that [...]

22 Apr, 2021

The Finals: 9 Study Tips for Students

2021-04-21T07:45:51-05:00Thursday, April 22, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Testing Strategies|

Every student will tell you the most challenging aspect of learning is the big-semester-end papers or final exams. You have to juggle between studying, remembering, and keeping yourself organized before and during the exams. Therefore, it is perfectly normal to get worried about the finals. Even cool, calm, and collected students get stressed out by [...]

23 Sep, 2019

The Importance of Developing Study Skills in Middle School

2019-09-23T10:11:41-05:00Monday, September 23, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

During the middle school years, your child may feel able to coast by without developing good study skills. After all, they understand the material; why put any more effort into it? As long as your child's grades look good, you might not worry too much about study skills, either. Unfortunately, if your child waits until [...]

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