
summer learning ideas

2 Aug, 2022

5 Tips to Help Parents and Students Ease Back-to-School Anxiety

2022-09-23T09:25:53-05:00Tuesday, August 2, 2022|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Understandably, the first week of school can be stressful for parents and students alike. Every student has been there before - circumnavigating the anxiety of keeping up with the coursework, the hangover of summer break, and coping with the new routine. The anxiety of dealing with a suddenly more hectic schedule on the parental [...]

2 Jun, 2022

Five Reasons You Should Consider Summer School

2022-06-02T07:14:23-05:00Thursday, June 2, 2022|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Summer Strategies|

Unfortunately, summer school has a negative connotation when it comes to attendance. After all, most people attended in the past if they failed their classes, so they didn't have to retake a school year. However, this school no longer carries the shame it did in the past. Here are five reasons why you don't need [...]

10 May, 2021

What’s Your Plan to Avoid the Summer Slide?

2021-05-10T07:06:43-05:00Monday, May 10, 2021|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Every year, many students suffer from the "summer slide", or learning loss over the summer months, when they aren't in school and aren't engaging in the activities they need to help keep their minds sharp. On average, students lose about a month's worth of school year learning over the course of the summer, and they [...]

29 Apr, 2019

Tenney School Students Excel at Summer Reading: Beating the “Summer Slide”

2019-04-29T14:44:49-05:00Monday, April 29, 2019|Education Info, Parents, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

As summer vacation is upon us, it's a good idea to keep in mind the dangers of the "summer slide." Summer vacation should be packed with fun and adventure, but also needs to reflect the educational priorities you have in place for your child. Summer Learning Loss We've discussed at length the effects of summer [...]

2 Aug, 2017

Devices Down, Brains On

2017-08-02T23:46:40-05:00Wednesday, August 2, 2017|Education Info, Parents, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

By this point in summer, the novelty of long, warm days in the sun has long since worn off for your teenager. If left to their own devices, they'd spend all day playing on a device: scrolling through memes on their phones, visiting social media sites, playing video games, and more. You need strategies that [...]

3 May, 2017

How to Keep Your Child’s Brain Engaged This Summer

2017-05-18T17:39:09-05:00Wednesday, May 3, 2017|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

The dream of every American school child is quickly approaching: summer vacation. Freedom, fun and relaxation is on the horizon, and it is a well-deserved break! Unfortunately, along with that freedom comes the risk of summer learning loss. Academic regression is a real problem, without school to attend many students will start to drastically reverse [...]

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