

22 Mar, 2018

The Difference Between a Student Victim and a Student Survivor

2018-03-22T13:18:05-05:00Thursday, March 22, 2018|Student Health, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

It's no secret that life comes with its fair share of trials. These difficulties look different for everyone, but they're particularly painful to see in young people. From unfair treatment to poor teachers to peer pressure, there are endless possible hurdles students can face. And, when faced with these hurdles, there are many different ways [...]

16 Feb, 2018

Facing Student Adversity: Choosing Survival vs Victimization

2018-02-14T14:24:20-06:00Friday, February 16, 2018|Parents, Learning Environment, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Growing pains. Students experience a wide variety of "pains" during their formative years at school. While some of them are physical pains, many of them arise from mental and emotional challenges. These types of adversities can range from personal scholastic struggles to underserved, negative attention. No matter the cause, each student will face trials of [...]

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