
Monthly Archives: August 2017

24 Aug, 2017

4 Things That Happen When Your Child Starts Going to a Small School

2017-08-19T18:49:23-05:00Thursday, August 24, 2017|Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Having your son or daughter attend a smaller, private school comes with an endless array of benefits both academically and socially. While many parents of children who are gifted, serious athletes, or having learning disabilities will opt for a small, private school over a public school, parents of all kinds of children should also consider the [...]

22 Aug, 2017

Protecting Your Child’s Learning Environment

2021-02-02T23:17:32-06:00Tuesday, August 22, 2017|Learning Environment, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

Every child has their share of school challenges and learning curves. However, not all of these issues are necessarily bad. Without healthy periods of confrontation and growth, children lack specific knowledge and skills as they mature. Nevertheless, there's a sharp difference between healthy challenges and chronic issues within the classroom. Many of these recurring obstacles [...]

16 Aug, 2017

How Customized Curriculums Create Long-Term Learning

2017-08-16T11:20:12-05:00Wednesday, August 16, 2017|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

The value of a school isn't measured in the expense of the building, the equipment it uses, or even the friendliness of its teachers. When it comes to choosing the right school for learning, the only quality that matters is the knowledge of students who graduate. How many adults do you know who passed high [...]

12 Aug, 2017

Necessary Steps to Get Your Teen Ready for School

2017-08-12T12:00:12-05:00Saturday, August 12, 2017|Tenney Subscribers, Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Aw, the glorious days of summer. Staying up late and sleeping in until noon. A teenagers dream. But going back to school does not have to be a nightmare. By easing your teen back into a routine with some planning and organization, they can feel better prepared for the coming school year. And a prepared student is [...]

6 Aug, 2017

Preparing Your International Student for the School Year

2017-08-07T10:55:48-05:00Sunday, August 6, 2017|International students, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

If you are hosting an international student, there's probably some nervousness in your household about the start of the new school year. After all, doing well in school can be challenging enough without the additional stress of language barriers and cultural differences. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you begin to prepare the international student [...]

2 Aug, 2017

Devices Down, Brains On

2017-08-02T23:46:40-05:00Wednesday, August 2, 2017|Summer Strategies, Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

By this point in summer, the novelty of long, warm days in the sun has long since worn off for your teenager. If left to their own devices, they'd spend all day playing on a device: scrolling through memes on their phones, visiting social media sites, playing video games, and more. You need strategies that [...]

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