
Monthly Archives: September 2018

28 Sep, 2018

How Lawnmower Parents Impair Student Academics

2018-09-28T10:39:08-05:00Friday, September 28, 2018|Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

You've heard of the "helicopter parents." These are the ones who hover over their little bundle of joy long past the age when they need that level of supervision. Helicopter parents are often ridiculed for being overprotective and too cautious, not giving their children space to grow and find their own footing in a complex [...]

28 Sep, 2018

Tailored Learning: Improving Your Child’s Academic Success

2018-09-28T10:30:12-05:00Friday, September 28, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

You want your child to excel in all areas of school. Not only can their grades have a big impact on their ability go to college, acquire scholarships, and get the future job they've always wanted, you want them to have the kind of success that will help propel them to take on future challenges. [...]

26 Sep, 2018

Why Were Private School Applications Down 10% in Houston Last Year?

2018-09-28T10:36:10-05:00Wednesday, September 26, 2018|Education Info, Parents, Private School|

There are no official statistics available on Houston private school applications. However, talk to a few admissions directors and it you will hear voices of concern.  A casual survey will reveal that most feel applications across private schools in Houston were down about 10% last year.  The big unanswered question is why.  Let’s explore a [...]

14 Sep, 2018

How Personalized Mentoring Benefits Your Student

2018-09-14T10:48:46-05:00Friday, September 14, 2018|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Many students simply aren't able to thrive in a traditional academic setting. In spite of their best efforts and that of their parents, they find themselves constantly struggling to keep up. At The Tenney School, we know how difficult it can be for students to learn in a classroom where the majority of teachers prepare [...]

5 Sep, 2018

France Just Banned Cell Phones in School. Are They Right?

2018-09-06T06:15:37-05:00Wednesday, September 5, 2018|News, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

In an international news story attracting a great deal of attention, France has recently banned cell phones in school for students under the age of 15. While many American classrooms are choosing to embrace smartphone technology, others, like those in France, are discovering just how detrimental phones can be to the learning process in general. [...]

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