
Monthly Archives: July 2019

29 Jul, 2019

International Students Can Overcome Challenges at a Private School

2019-07-29T09:22:03-05:00Monday, July 29, 2019|International students, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

When international students come to the United States to study, they get a high-quality education, especially if they go to a private school. The problem, however, lies in cultural adjustment. Even if they come from an English-speaking country, they may speak with a different accent. This makes them feel different as compared to the student [...]

22 Jul, 2019

Gifted and Talented 101

2019-08-01T21:26:12-05:00Monday, July 22, 2019|Parents, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

Many schools across the nation have been putting time, effort, and money into gifted and talented programs. Since not all children fall into an "average" category, it's crucial for schools to have accommodations and challenges for children who not only have special needs but also for those who are gifted or above the average. One [...]

18 Jul, 2019

New Drum Kit

2019-07-18T20:06:56-05:00Thursday, July 18, 2019|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Summer is the time when a school has the time to make improvements.  It's nice having some time to implement new things in preparation for the new school year.  In addition to the new Sport Court (which is almost finished), we have also added a new and improved Drum Kit for our band program.  The [...]

15 Jul, 2019

Is Private School the Answer For You?

2019-07-15T07:36:57-05:00Monday, July 15, 2019|Private School, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

Private School vs. Public School Sadly, the educational world is in crisis. There is a teacher shortage, overcrowded classrooms, dictated lessons, and government sanctions on already underfunded schools. While these issues are being widely discussed, there seems to be little progress in fixing them and the education of the next generation is suffering. So, what [...]

9 Jul, 2019

A Smooth Transition for International Students

2019-07-09T09:07:22-05:00Tuesday, July 9, 2019|International students, Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Adjusting to life in the American classroom is not always easy for international students. While some students are able to acclimate with little trouble, others experience culture shock, communication barriers, and difficulties fitting in with their American peers. Below is a look at some of the challenges they face and the resources The Tenney School [...]

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