Monthly Archives: August 2020

29 Aug, 2020

The Long-Term Impact of a Year Without Learning: How You Can Help Your Child Learn in the Time of COVID-19

2020-08-29T09:10:46-05:00Saturday, August 29, 2020|Learning Environment, Parents|

The educational system in the United States suffered problems and shortcomings long before COVID-19 became a problem in almost every aspect of our lives. We don't need to remember back very far to recall the time before Coronavirus. Most of us didn't even consider the virus a threat in November 2019. Now, dealing with the [...]

24 Aug, 2020

Five Facts That Make Eleventh Grade Extremely Significant

2020-08-24T09:53:33-05:00Monday, August 24, 2020|Education Info, Private School, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Is there a specific year in a student's education that seems like a throwaway year? Or is there one grade that seems more important than the others? This has been a topic of discussion for educators, parents, and students alike. And we at The Tenney School have identified a trend. Sadly, many students and their parents view [...]

18 Aug, 2020

5 Characteristics of an Effective Tutor

2020-08-18T07:05:26-05:00Tuesday, August 18, 2020|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Parents|

Many parents will be hiring tutors this school year to help their children reach academic goals. The one-on-one teaching approach of tutoring allows students to catch up on subjects they have fallen behind in, or it allows gifted students the opportunity to branch out to more subjects. What makes a good tutor? Take a look [...]

11 Aug, 2020

How to Prepare Your Children for a HyFlex Educational Experience

2020-08-11T07:07:26-05:00Tuesday, August 11, 2020|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

In the wake of COVID-19, parents and teachers need to prepare for a new style of education. In our Tenney School Summer Session, we are already implementing a HyFlex approach. HyFlex (or Hybrid-Flexible) uses a combination of in-person learning and online learning. The classroom is set up with video conferencing capabilities, allowing students to be present [...]

3 Aug, 2020

Not All Online Learning Is Created Equal

2020-08-03T14:02:55-05:00Monday, August 3, 2020|Learning Environment|

As we prepare for an unprecedented school year, many parents are looking toward online school as a solution for their students. Others are still debating the pros and cons: is online learning effective? Can their students benefit from that style of learning, or will it set them back? There's a consensus among many parents that [...]

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