Monthly Archives: May 2023

31 May, 2023

Key Things to Look for When Touring a College Campus

2023-05-30T15:39:34-05:00Wednesday, May 31, 2023|Uncategorized, Education Info|

Choosing the right college for your future needs is an important decision, and the process can be very exciting. Many colleges and universities offer a lot of incentives to encourage potential students to consider their institutions. However, during a campus tour, keep in mind that you are likely choosing the place where you will [...]

23 May, 2023

Get Your Student Learning This Summer: Perks of Summer School

2023-05-23T10:18:51-05:00Tuesday, May 23, 2023|Education Info|

Summertime is exciting for students and parents alike, but unfortunately, students are prone to losing crucial information during summer break. It's certainly beneficial for students to spend some time relaxing over the break. However, there are many incredible academic and social benefits to taking summer courses. Here are some of the perks of taking [...]

9 May, 2023

Why Do Teachers and Parents Get Frustrated With Students?

2023-05-09T08:03:15-05:00Tuesday, May 9, 2023|Uncategorized|

Students that are not performing at the level their teachers know they are capable of can be a source of frustration for both teachers and parents. The Tenney School's one-to-one learning model offers natural solutions for addressing many of these issues. Here is an overview of why your student's academic performance may be frustrating [...]

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