About Michael Johnson

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So far Michael Johnson has created 15 blog entries.
25 Mar, 2024

How to Make New Friends at School | 5 Tips For Success

2024-03-20T10:40:40-05:00Monday, March 25, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Student Health|

Starting at a new school can be stressful for many new students. Making friends may seem intimidating with many students wondering how to make new friends at school. I want to share some strategies that are effective in meeting new people. 1. Ask For Directions Asking for directions around the school is a great [...]

16 Jan, 2024

How Much is Private School?

2024-01-08T10:20:10-06:00Tuesday, January 16, 2024|Private School, Education Info|

Private schools, while known for their improved education, are also notorious for being expensive. While there's no simple answer to the question of how much is a private school, we can offer some insight into what to expect from each type of private school. Why Are Private Schools Expensive? Private schools are known for [...]

22 Jun, 2023

Understanding the Differences Between Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses

2023-06-22T09:12:19-05:00Thursday, June 22, 2023|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Private School|

Before your high school student chooses which classes to take, it's important to understand the differences between Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes. Although each course is designed to be rigorous and college-level, there are a few significant differences between the two formats. Here's an introduction to college-level courses at The Tenney School: Why Take [...]

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