Learning Strategies

27 Sep, 2022

5 Practical Tips on How to Prepare for College

2022-11-07T11:15:04-06:00Tuesday, September 27, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

Going to college is a big step. It's a time for being independent, new experiences, and self-discovery. But it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. The key to a successful college experience is mental and emotional preparation. In this article, we'll share some practical tips on how to prepare for college. There [...]

6 Sep, 2022

Practical Tips on How to Prepare for College

2022-09-06T08:20:17-05:00Tuesday, September 6, 2022|Uncategorized, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

With focused and high-achieving students, getting into an elite college is their dream. And it is always a tough season for the students looking to join college. A lot of time and other resources goes into preparation. For instance, according to research by Solomon Admissions Consulting, students from private schools had a lower rate of [...]

30 Aug, 2022

Ways of Thinking vs. Knowledge: What Are Your Child’s Current Courses Teaching Them?

2022-08-30T08:53:17-05:00Tuesday, August 30, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

It is essential to ask teachers about the best and most important skills students should be taught at school. Although most school leaders, teachers, and educators have different goals, critical thinking skills are preferable for modern learners. Critical thinking is a blend between knowledge and experience, which helps your student understand the facts and [...]

9 Aug, 2022

5 Key Tips for Your Child to Be Successful This School Year

2022-08-10T11:13:49-05:00Tuesday, August 9, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

The start of a new school year can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing for children. If you want to help your child have a successful school year, there are a few things you can do. In this blog post, we'll share five tips to help your child be successful this school year. Have a Positive [...]

26 Jul, 2022

3 Key Times When Different Learning and Developmental Timelines Impact Students Most

2022-08-10T11:12:09-05:00Tuesday, July 26, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

As parents, we often wonder what age our children should be before they start learning certain things. We want to make sure we're not pushing them too hard, or not giving them enough opportunities to learn and grow. Developmental ages can be a tricky thing to navigate, but luckily there are some tried and true [...]

14 Jul, 2022

The Tenney Difference: The Power of One

2022-07-08T07:20:17-05:00Thursday, July 14, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Learning Environment|

The most powerful tool you can give your child is the gift of an education. Unfortunately, not all educational opportunities are created equally. Thus, it is essential that you research to make a decision based on the best options for your child. After all, it is the single biggest decision that will impact their future [...]

22 Jun, 2022

3 Scientifically Proven Developmental Benefits of One-on-One Instruction

2022-06-22T08:01:24-05:00Wednesday, June 22, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Learning Environment|

Most parents want what's best for their children, and many go above and beyond to provide them with opportunities to excel. One such opportunity is one-on-one instruction, which has been shown to have developmental benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore the scientific evidence for the benefits of one-on-one instruction. The American Psychological Association The [...]

2 Jun, 2022

Five Reasons You Should Consider Summer School

2022-06-02T07:14:23-05:00Thursday, June 2, 2022|Summer Strategies, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School|

Unfortunately, summer school has a negative connotation when it comes to attendance. After all, most people attended in the past if they failed their classes, so they didn't have to retake a school year. However, this school no longer carries the shame it did in the past. Here are five reasons why you don't need [...]

25 May, 2022

How to Strike the Right Balance Between Education & Edutainment During Summer Break

2022-05-25T07:47:59-05:00Wednesday, May 25, 2022|Summer Strategies, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents|

School is out for the summer and with it, your family has more free time to spend on things they enjoy. The question is, how do you make sure your children continue to learn over the break: through education or edutainment? This article will compare edutainment to traditional methods of learning like summer school and [...]

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