

21 Dec, 2018

The Problem with Competition-Based Learning

2018-12-21T07:36:51-06:00Friday, December 21, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

In many instances, teachers want students to compete: for great grades; on projects; to be the "best" in the classroom. Many of the schools often considered to be the "best" drive students to higher levels of academic success through competition-based learning. Students are trying to do better, achieve better, top their classmates. As a result, [...]

17 Dec, 2018

Rufus: The Tenney School Stray and Where He’s at Today

2018-12-14T10:52:48-06:00Monday, December 17, 2018|Events, Parents, Student Health|

We've had some cute dogs hanging around the school recently.  We don't know where they came from, but they certainly made themselves at home quickly. When the weather was wet, they were especially likely to hang around the school in either our covered shrubs or garage. As cute as they were, stray dogs present a [...]

10 Dec, 2018

Keeping Your Kids Engaged and Learning Over Winter Break

2018-12-10T15:10:51-06:00Monday, December 10, 2018|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Winter Break It's the end of the fall semester, and winter break is here: a great time to relax, get away from school and work responsibilities for a little while, and enjoy time with your family. If you have a trip planned for those two weeks, you'll be busy until it's time for school to [...]

3 Dec, 2018

Will Pressing Pause on Fortnite Improve Your Child’s Grades?

2018-11-30T14:12:05-06:00Monday, December 3, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health|

In early 2018, over 1 million people tuned in to watch a live stream of a Fortnite game on YouTube. That same event brought in more than 42 million unique viewers, and the game has been breaking records for most downloads and attracting plenty of adult players into nightclub-style lounges where they can play for [...]

30 Nov, 2018

6 Tips to Get Ready for Final Exams

2018-11-30T15:43:34-06:00Friday, November 30, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Testing Strategies|

Thanksgiving is over, and the end of the semester looms. You want to be able to buckle down and finish strong as you prepare for final exams. Thus far, your pattern of learning has included learning for a few weeks, then sitting down for a test. During the semester, these tests evaluate your short-term memory. [...]

13 Nov, 2018

4 Reasons You May Regret Getting Your Child Tested for a Learning Disability

2018-11-08T09:02:14-06:00Tuesday, November 13, 2018|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

"Mom, I just can't do it!" "I can't figure this out no matter how hard I try." "It's just too hard!" If your child is struggling in school, chances are, you've heard several of these statements--and as a parent, you want to help your student as much as possible. If your child continues to struggle, [...]

7 Nov, 2018

Tenney Gives Back-Gift Donation Drive

2019-11-07T11:08:21-06:00Wednesday, November 7, 2018|Events, News, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

The Tenney Yearbook Staff  has organized a gift donation drive with The Star of Hope Mission. Please see the attachment for details. They are asking for everyone's help to make the holidays brighter for those who are less fortunate. Please email Ms. Brahier if you have any questions. TENNEY GIVES BACK - GIFT DRIVE

6 Nov, 2018

5 Signs That Your Child Would Do Better in a Small School

2018-11-08T09:39:29-06:00Tuesday, November 6, 2018|Learning Environment, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Not every child is cut out for the constant press and hustle of large public schools. While it's true that some children thrive in a crowded environment and rise to the top surrounded by hundreds and thousands of peers, not every child is like this. Many children are quiet, reserved, or work better in small [...]

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