
Benefits of Small Class Sizes

4 Mar, 2024

When It Comes to Math, It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Whole Group Instruction

2024-02-29T10:19:29-06:00Monday, March 4, 2024|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

For some people, the very mention of the word "math" fills them with anxiety. Even though math is a necessary skill that is used throughout life, many adults feel frustrated and anxious when presented with a situation that calls for mathematical reasoning. In fact, there is even a term for this fear -- "math [...]

27 Jan, 2020

The Benefits of Small Class Sizes for Students

2020-01-25T08:44:38-06:00Monday, January 27, 2020|Learning Environment, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

We've all heard that small class sizes are good for the education of a child (or even an adult, if you're considering college students). When you look at the brochures for many private schools and colleges, small class size is always one of the things that they mention as one of their advantages over other [...]

12 Jul, 2018

What Gifted and Talented Children Need from Their School

2018-07-12T17:29:05-05:00Thursday, July 12, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Gifted and talented (GT) children are a definable group of K-12 students recognized for their advanced learning capabilities. Often, their bright minds are recognized by parents and subsequently tested for confirmation. While having a gifted child is a good thing, what does it mean when choosing their school? Choosing the right school for GT children takes more [...]

5 Mar, 2018

The Inherent Advantages of Small Schools

2021-07-28T15:00:28-05:00Monday, March 5, 2018|Learning Environment, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

It's no surprise that many students prefer small schools to large schools. The climate, relationships, and classes offered by small schools make students, their parents, and teachers happy. Better, closer relationships  With fewer people overall, it's easier to foster meaningful relationships in small schools. According to the National Education Association, this goes for student-to-student, student-to-teacher, and [...]

24 Jul, 2017

The Advantages Small Schools Can Provide

2023-05-22T08:28:53-05:00Monday, July 24, 2017|Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Countless studies have shown the benefits smaller schools, and smaller class sizes can provide students with. However, budget cuts in recent years have led to public schools becoming more overcrowded than ever before. In such times of overcrowding in public schools, small private schools can prove to be a great alternative for many families looking for [...]

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