

30 Nov, 2021

Study Smarter, Not Harder for Finals

2021-11-30T07:41:56-06:00Tuesday, November 30, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Testing Strategies|

It's nearing the end of the semester and finals are right around the corner. A little nervous about what lies ahead? Don't worry, you're not the only one. No matter how well you've done during the semester, finals week can leave anyone feeling a bit stressed. However, with a little bit of preparation and some [...]

22 Apr, 2021

The Finals: 9 Study Tips for Students

2021-04-21T07:45:51-05:00Thursday, April 22, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Testing Strategies|

Every student will tell you the most challenging aspect of learning is the big-semester-end papers or final exams. You have to juggle between studying, remembering, and keeping yourself organized before and during the exams. Therefore, it is perfectly normal to get worried about the finals. Even cool, calm, and collected students get stressed out by [...]

30 Nov, 2018

6 Tips to Get Ready for Final Exams

2018-11-30T15:43:34-06:00Friday, November 30, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Testing Strategies|

Thanksgiving is over, and the end of the semester looms. You want to be able to buckle down and finish strong as you prepare for final exams. Thus far, your pattern of learning has included learning for a few weeks, then sitting down for a test. During the semester, these tests evaluate your short-term memory. [...]

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