
gifted children

18 Oct, 2024

Gifted and Talented: The Importance of Challenging Gifted Children

2024-10-14T08:29:52-05:00Friday, October 18, 2024|Tenney Subscribers, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents|

As parents, we all think our children are unique. We may ooh, and awe at the mermaid picture Suzie has drawn or praise Billy repeatedly for his perfect score on his spelling test. Indeed, all children are individuals, and in their own way special, but in reality, only about 10% of the United States [...]

23 Mar, 2021

Dispelling 5 Myths About the Twice-Exceptional Student

2021-03-23T07:10:49-05:00Tuesday, March 23, 2021|Student Health, Education Info|

What makes gifted students exceptional? It's not always a higher intelligence or faster problem-solving. Often, children in gifted learning programs are there because they think differently. Some can see three-dimensional shapes unfold in their minds, so they excel at geometry. Alternatively, they have an unusual approach to words which becomes a talent for writing. "Gifted" [...]

9 Jun, 2020

Gillian Lynne’s Story and the Advantages of Private Schools for Gifted Children

2021-08-09T16:31:26-05:00Tuesday, June 9, 2020|Private School, Education Info, Learning Environment|

We've all heard about the advantages of private schools—from the small class sizes to the higher academic standards. Even when it comes to extracurriculars, students from private schools appear to have an advantage over students from public schools. Plus, students in private schools get more personalized attention and are able to develop better as individuals. [...]

4 Apr, 2020

How to Support Your Gifted & Talented Child at Home

2020-06-02T14:50:56-05:00Saturday, April 4, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Every parent of a GT child is proud, but Gifted & Talented is more than just a title of achievement. GT and AP (advanced placement) are separate entities. It means your child is more creative than others and, thus, more likely to excel in non-standard ways. Your child may be better at problem-solving with outside-the-box [...]

8 Jan, 2020

How to Talk to Your Child About Being Gifted & Talented

2020-01-08T13:53:07-06:00Wednesday, January 8, 2020|Education Info, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

There is a difference between identifying a gifted & talent child and tracking them into a GT program. One of the most important steps is to talk to your child about what it means to be gifted & talented and how that will impact their life. As a parent, you are probably both proud and [...]

12 Aug, 2019

Understanding Twice-Exceptional Students

2019-08-09T14:06:57-05:00Monday, August 12, 2019|Parents, Learning Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

Students who are classified as gifted and talented are often thought to be learners who exceed in all areas of study. In reality, it's quite possible for one of these students to have one or more learning disabilities. A child may have a vocabulary bigger than any one of their classmates, yet struggle with simple [...]

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