
Learning strategies

26 Jul, 2021

Emerging Technologies in Education

2021-07-26T12:09:18-05:00Monday, July 26, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies|

2020 was a tough year for everyone. Both businesses and schools were affected. The COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in how businesses and educational institutions operate. The COVID-19 pandemic indeed led to innovations and technologies in the education sector. Here are some of the emerging technologies in education after the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. Virtual Reality [...]

3 Apr, 2021

7 Benefits of One-on-One Tutoring

2021-04-03T08:46:23-05:00Saturday, April 3, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Getting an education is an integral part of becoming a successful adult. Some students struggle with learning in a classroom and need to be taught a different way. This is where tutoring comes in. One-on-one tutoring can be beneficial in many ways. One-on-One Tutoring Is Less Distracting A classroom can be an incredibly distracting environment [...]

25 Jan, 2021

How Can the Flexibility of One-on-One Tutoring Help a Child Grow?

2021-01-26T07:24:26-06:00Monday, January 25, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Student Health|

If you've ever had one-on-one tutoring, then you know that the results can be dramatically different from studying in a class. It's not that the conventional method of teaching is inefficient, but the teacher's attention is divided. No matter how good a teacher is, it's just not humanly possible for them to give everyone individual [...]

8 Jan, 2021

How One-on-One Teachers Help Children With ADD or ADHD to Enjoy Learning

2021-01-08T16:03:47-06:00Friday, January 8, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Student Health|

For children with the common ADD or ADHD diagnosis, school is a gauntlet of challenges. Even the most earnest and well-behaved ADHD child struggles to hold still through an entire lesson. Children with ADD are often social and love their school friends, but are often told that their natural energy is a classroom distraction. As [...]

7 Jan, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 1: Student Procrastination

2021-01-07T15:56:51-06:00Thursday, January 7, 2021|Education Info, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 1 is about student procrastination signs, types, and what to do about it. Click Here for the Video. This video series is derived from the most common topics with parents and our most searched website content. The series will [...]

8 Dec, 2020

Student Study Skills or Giftedness, which is More Important?

2020-12-08T12:20:07-06:00Tuesday, December 8, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers|

An overview: What is a student with "giftedness" (and why do we spend so much time trying to find them)? Nature, or nurture? These three simple words constitute a central question, one underpinning almost every field of cognitive science, anthropology, biology and even philosophy. It transcends constraint by nearly any discipline: hovering as a specter, [...]

30 Nov, 2020

How to Prepare for Final Exams: Tips to Help You Succeed

2020-11-30T08:09:08-06:00Monday, November 30, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Testing Strategies|

With finals right around the corner, it is important that students take steps to ensure that they are properly prepared. The fact is that final exams are not just any test, as they are meant to assess your understanding of materials covered throughout the semester. Furthermore, these exams are often heavily weighted and can mean [...]

14 Nov, 2020

Study Finds Only 27% of Middle & High School Students Proficient in Writing: How to Make Sure Your Child Excels

2020-11-14T11:00:51-06:00Saturday, November 14, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies|

The ability to communicate through the written word represents one of the central tenets of a good education. Yet, students in the United States, from grade school to seniors in high school, fall short when it comes to writing proficiency. NAEP or National Report Card represents the most comprehensive ongoing assessment tool for all topics. The [...]

26 Oct, 2020

3 Tips to Help You and Your Child Avoid Progress Report Panic

2020-10-27T09:16:30-05:00Monday, October 26, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School|

It's a fact that a progress report doesn't measure the worth or even the intelligence of your child. It's just a piece of paper that tells you how well your child has been doing at school so far. Yet, progress reports end up causing a lot of panic among parents as well as children. If [...]

19 Oct, 2020

Discover the Personalized Benefits of One-to-One Tutoring

2020-10-19T07:17:48-05:00Monday, October 19, 2020|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Children learn in different circumstances. They may thrive in the traditional classroom. They learn when they are having a chat with their parents or reading books of their own choice. Children learn, period. They soak up new information and use it, whether they are conscious of learning it or not. Thus, we are now offering [...]

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