
learning success

1 Jul, 2021

What Does Academic Integrity Look Like After COVID-19?

2021-07-01T07:58:17-05:00Thursday, July 1, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Teachers|

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic and likely lasting effect on all of us, but perhaps most enduringly on school-age children who may have missed the better part of a full year of schooling in some cases. Beyond gaps in learning, the shift to virtual classrooms has provided opportunities for chronic violations of academic [...]

10 Jun, 2021

IEPs and 504 Plans: What Are the Differences?

2021-06-25T08:14:20-05:00Thursday, June 10, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents|

Every student has their own particular educational needs, but students with disabilities often have specialized needs. Fortunately, in the United States, two major federal laws ensure that these students receive these accommodations: Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans. These programs can help disabled students get their education in a way that's equitable and accessible. [...]

25 Jan, 2021

How Can the Flexibility of One-on-One Tutoring Help a Child Grow?

2021-01-26T07:24:26-06:00Monday, January 25, 2021|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Student Health|

If you've ever had one-on-one tutoring, then you know that the results can be dramatically different from studying in a class. It's not that the conventional method of teaching is inefficient, but the teacher's attention is divided. No matter how good a teacher is, it's just not humanly possible for them to give everyone individual [...]

26 Oct, 2020

3 Tips to Help You and Your Child Avoid Progress Report Panic

2020-10-27T09:16:30-05:00Monday, October 26, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School|

It's a fact that a progress report doesn't measure the worth or even the intelligence of your child. It's just a piece of paper that tells you how well your child has been doing at school so far. Yet, progress reports end up causing a lot of panic among parents as well as children. If [...]

19 Oct, 2020

Discover the Personalized Benefits of One-to-One Tutoring

2020-10-19T07:17:48-05:00Monday, October 19, 2020|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Children learn in different circumstances. They may thrive in the traditional classroom. They learn when they are having a chat with their parents or reading books of their own choice. Children learn, period. They soak up new information and use it, whether they are conscious of learning it or not. Thus, we are now offering [...]

5 Oct, 2020

The Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Model for Education

2020-10-05T06:51:40-05:00Monday, October 5, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Student Health, Teachers|

There are two options regarding the 2020-2021 school year. The first is for learning to remain completely virtual. The second and most coveted option is for life to return to normal. There is nothing that parents, students, and teachers would love more than to be able to return to the classroom and continue their routines. [...]

25 Sep, 2020

Seeing the Signs That Your Child Needs a Tutor

2020-09-25T16:17:44-05:00Friday, September 25, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Student Health|

Deciding whether your child needs a tutor can be difficult. Student needs are varied and unique, ranging from subject-related issues to emotional concerns. Hiring a tutor can make the difference between frustration and success for a child so recognizing the need for a tutor is extremely important. Several different signs indicate that a child would [...]

29 Aug, 2020

The Long-Term Impact of a Year Without Learning: How You Can Help Your Child Learn in the Time of COVID-19

2020-08-29T09:10:46-05:00Saturday, August 29, 2020|Learning Environment, Parents|

The educational system in the United States suffered problems and shortcomings long before COVID-19 became a problem in almost every aspect of our lives. We don't need to remember back very far to recall the time before Coronavirus. Most of us didn't even consider the virus a threat in November 2019. Now, dealing with the [...]

8 Jun, 2020

The Introverted Students in Today’s School

2020-06-08T07:43:02-05:00Monday, June 8, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies|

What Is Introversion? Introversion-extroversion is any established personality dichotomy. Psychologists fully developed this trait's measurement. However, it's complex because there many cases of false extroversion in situations where extroversion is highly desirable and introversion is less acceptable. False extroversion leads to considerable stress for introverted students. In fact, in modern schools, as in modern society, [...]

2 Jun, 2020

3 Reasons for Summer School in 2020

2020-06-02T10:28:38-05:00Tuesday, June 2, 2020|Education Info, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

We live in a different world today than we did just a few months ago.  The patterns and decisions of our lives has changed so dramatically, things we once thought were highly unlikely and unnecessary are now normal and wise.  For many students, 2020 may be the summer to consider summer school. I wanted to [...]

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