
one-on-one education

27 May, 2024

3 Ways Private Schools Minimize Bullying

2024-05-24T15:46:14-05:00Monday, May 27, 2024|Parents, Private School, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Unfortunately, bullying is a very real problem in American schools today. No matter the age of your child, they have likely experienced bullying in their school. Whether they have experienced these incidents as a bystander, a victim, or the culprit of the bullying, your child will be impacted by the situation, and the impact is rarely [...]

18 Oct, 2019

Gifted and Talented as a Disability

2019-10-18T08:39:26-05:00Friday, October 18, 2019|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

In many settings, having special intellectual or creative abilities can be more of a disability than a gift. Most of the time, the governance of institutions is set to the pace of the vast majority of people in the high-density middle of the ability curve. Those people who make special demands on the system, in the [...]

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