peer pressure

22 Aug, 2017

Protecting Your Child’s Learning Environment

2021-02-02T23:17:32-06:00Tuesday, August 22, 2017|Learning Environment, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

Every child has their share of school challenges and learning curves. However, not all of these issues are necessarily bad. Without healthy periods of confrontation and growth, children lack specific knowledge and skills as they mature. Nevertheless, there's a sharp difference between healthy challenges and chronic issues within the classroom. Many of these recurring obstacles [...]

19 Jan, 2017

Encouraging a Healthy Learning Environment with Positive Peer Pressure

2017-05-18T17:39:11-05:00Thursday, January 19, 2017|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

When gauging a child's success in school, many factors instantly come to mind. Aspects such as a student's home life and parental involvement are critical for achieving academic success. Other important factors lie in what hobbies and activities children enjoy during their free time. Some after-school activities noticeably foster a sense of higher achievement and [...]

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