

22 Nov, 2024

Handling the Impact of Today’s Crisis on Student Anxiety

2024-11-21T12:18:02-06:00Friday, November 22, 2024|Student Health, Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Private School|

Student anxiety is a growing concern for parents across the globe. COVID-19 has sent everybody home for the foreseeable in order to control the spread of the virus. On one hand, we have never been better equipped for this kind of pandemic. Mobile devices and Wi-Fi, communication and learning platforms, cloud-shared documents, and video [...]

9 Sep, 2024

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Change Schools — Now What?

2024-09-10T08:11:16-05:00Monday, September 9, 2024|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Transition Between Schools|

For the average parent, the best thing that could ever happen to them is moving into a place with a school nearby. You've just moved, and everything seemed fine until your child refused to go. They want to retain their current school, yet it may not be practical. What do you do? How do [...]

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