
Year Round School

19 Feb, 2024

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Year Round School

2024-12-04T09:44:49-06:00Monday, February 19, 2024|Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Throughout most of the country, school systems are setup to allow a long summer break. This is great for supporting summer programs and activities: camps, family vacations, and trips to the neighborhood pool, for example. On the other hand, many students find themselves showing a strong achievement decline throughout the summer months–and some lower-income students may [...]

29 Apr, 2020

Safe, In-Person Summer School

2020-06-04T16:02:44-05:00Wednesday, April 29, 2020|Education Info, Learning Environment, Student Health, Summer Strategies|

The summer of 2020 may be the best one ever to consider summer school for your child.  A few of the reasons summer school may be something good to consider this year: Students are behind. Distance learning at many schools at the end of the 19-20 school year was ineffective, and summer is a good [...]

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