
Monthly Archives: June 2019

21 Jun, 2019

Four Students Who Learn Better at a Smaller School

2019-06-21T14:34:03-05:00Friday, June 21, 2019|Private School, Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

No two students exactly are the same. And it makes sense that different students learn better in different situations. At The Tenney School, we understand that "one size fits all" does not apply to education. For instance, many young people attend public school, where hundreds of students are crammed into one building. But a big [...]

19 Jun, 2019

The Key to Student Engagement: Giving Students a Choice

2019-06-21T13:06:12-05:00Wednesday, June 19, 2019|Tenney Subscribers, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Teachers|

Every teacher has experienced the sinking feeling of looking around a classroom and realizing that the students are so bored that they are hardly listening. Indeed, student engagement is a difficult thing to accomplish. Some of the responsibility rests on the students themselves. But here at The Tenney School, we wonder if much of the [...]

10 Jun, 2019

Getting Ready for 6th Grade: Give Your Child What They Need for this Important Transitional Time

2019-06-10T14:15:15-05:00Monday, June 10, 2019|Education Info, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

Most of us remember, and a few of us still have nightmares about our transition from elementary school to 6th grade. But, the graduation from 5th grade also calls for a celebration. The increased responsibility for one's education comes at a time when many other changes, both physical and emotional, take place to set up [...]

1 Jun, 2019

Houston Chronicle Features The Tenney School

2019-06-01T09:02:28-05:00Saturday, June 1, 2019|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

It's not every day you get to see your name in print.  We are excited to share that the Houston Chronicle recently chose to feature our school. The reporter, Lindsay Peyton, did a really great job capturing the culture and focus of our school. Click here to read the article.

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