Monthly Archives: April 2020

29 Apr, 2020

Safe, In-Person Summer School

2020-06-04T16:02:44-05:00Wednesday, April 29, 2020|Education Info, Learning Environment, Student Health, Summer Strategies|

The summer of 2020 may be the best one ever to consider summer school for your child.  A few of the reasons summer school may be something good to consider this year: Students are behind. Distance learning at many schools at the end of the 19-20 school year was ineffective, and summer is a good [...]

28 Apr, 2020

Five Ways to Make Online Learning Successful

2020-06-02T15:06:09-05:00Tuesday, April 28, 2020|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, News, Parents, Private School, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Our world has changed drastically, just in the past few months. As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, school after school is transitioning to online learning. Students and teachers alike are taking concern for each other's safety and finding ways to continue learning via online platforms. Although there have been bumps in the road, the functionality of [...]

6 Apr, 2020

Online Learning: The Benefits of Tenney School Live!

2020-06-02T14:58:23-05:00Monday, April 6, 2020|Uncategorized, Education Info, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

We anticipated a difficult transition to distance learning, but it turns out to be much better than we imagined. In just two weeks, the Tenney School has learned about the staff and students that make up this resilient institution. The obstacles that distance learning would create seemed to be bigger than the benefits, however that’s [...]

4 Apr, 2020

How to Support Your Gifted & Talented Child at Home

2020-06-02T14:50:56-05:00Saturday, April 4, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Every parent of a GT child is proud, but Gifted & Talented is more than just a title of achievement. GT and AP (advanced placement) are separate entities. It means your child is more creative than others and, thus, more likely to excel in non-standard ways. Your child may be better at problem-solving with outside-the-box [...]

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